Forum/Site Suggestions


New Member
Hi. I'm not trying to be a bother, But I have a few things I wanted to suggest. I have worked with sites before and currently still do. And I have to say the restrictions here are to tough for new members.

I know spam is hard to combat. And maybe these restrictions are in place because of that. In that case I use things like stopforumspam api's and scripts designed to help with spam.

Having to wait 25 post to unlock all features is a bit much. Post instantly going into the moderator queue makes the poster feel less like a part of a dynamic conversation. And more like a bother to the mods/admins who have to take time to approve the posts.

I can't edit my posts, So as to not double post I have to leave the conversation.

And Finally, As a noob I tried sending a message to staff and got a no permissions page :( Staff needs to be contactable by members (especially new ones). In fact I would rather of sent this as a message to staff rather then post it publicity.

Thank you.
Spam is definitely a problem, and we do use scripts to help combat it, as well as common sense by the admins. 25 posts to open posting has been in place since we began 3 years ago; I'm not inclined to change it on my own unless other admins think it's a good idea. Rest assured, they will see this post and weigh in when they're available.

That being said, if the admins can clearly see that someone is a good contributor prior to 25 posts, an exception can be made, and has been in the past for some members.

As for the mods/admins not being contactable - I've never been told that. Are you saying you can't send me a message on my message/profile page? If that is the case let me know here, and I'll take a look at changing it.

And thanks for the input.
We agree that the 25 post minimum is a pain in the posterior. It is there mostly to keep the spammers under control; I personally have given people with as few as 5 posts permission to post directly if I see that they are actively contributing to a conversation.

[edit]Rather like in your case, actually. :)[/edit].
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@Gizmo: From what I can see, I think the spam in the past 6 months or so has been greatly reduced from what it was last year. If that trend continues this year, we might think about changing our policy sometime.
First let me say Welcome infinity8X3..
It seems to me, and obviously to Gizmo's and Thunder-road as well that you have more than a little to offer us.
We are all pretty much old hands at creating then haunting forums as well...":O}

T.R. Gizmo, Booman and Danrock handle the web design and Admin.

"I" bring them problems in Linux they other wise would not see in several lifetimes...To say I'm invaluable would seem an understatement!
They owe me everything! LOL

My 2 cents:

We have the 25 post limit for good reason as has been recognized here. We don't want spammers annoying folks here at home.
Yet when we set restrictions that are in themselves an annoyance we redirect the annoyance we spared users with our restrictions from the spammers unto ourselves...yes?

Go on you can say it...We annoyed you didn't we infinity8X3?

I see this as largely being my responsibility... I would normally have been here far more consistently and on a daily basis. Alas illness has thwarted my better intentions...

And I can only hope that in the near future my health will be better.

In any case at lest for now I can say I'll be checking in at lest once a day...this should lessen our need to to auto detect our adversaries...besides I quite like saying mean things to them":O{

I see it like this:
right now we have a greater need to attract new members than we have of policing them.

Finally, If admin can include me in the notifications, I can at lest hold someone's hand and assure them someone who knows something is on the way...

I vote we lesson the requirement to 5...
Now you guys all get to vote.

(I ban anyone who votes Trump!!":O)
Welcome infinity8X3!
Thank you for taking the time to help us improve GOL!
It would seem to me that in trying to spare our users the annoyance of Spam...
We may be annoying them more with our Spam restrictions.

I mean we HAVE annoyed you infinity8X3 haven't we?

(It's the spammers fault! THEY MADE us do it!":O}

I haven't been here in the forum nearly as much as I wanted to be..Health issues.
But at least in the short term I should be able to do much lest for now.

Perhaps my added presence will help those who have persevered in my absence enough that we can reduce he number to 5 posts?
I vote yes to reduction to 5 posts.
Now you guys get to vote.

If you want infinity to feel welcome and a part of all that is GOL... Well I know you'll do the right thing.":O}

Again Welcome infinty, I hope to see you posting often...Now that Gizmo will let you! "::O}
Infinity's already been issued trusted status; I think there's no compelling reason to make such a drastic change to our policy right now.

I mentioned that things regarding spammers are better than they used to be; my vote is to see if that trend continues, and then after some time we can take a look at adjusting the limits.
here's what we don't know....
How many of our visitors will turn away from us rather than stay to meet our requirements?
It practically takes a tow truck to drag me into sighing up for a forums If I see that I'll have to jump though hoops after I sign up...I'm gone

Did we need such restriction on AOA?
How much do we benefit from them now...I mean apart from the obvious joy we receive from frustrating Infinity8X3?
( Your membership now Infinity8X3 and so fall prey to my sad sad sense of humor ":O}

I promise not to harp on this.":O}
Well....the onliest reason I have remained thus far is I'm too damned stubborn as to let some 25 post count stand in my way as well as remembering Daniel~ from years past :cool:

Is it a PITA?.....yes sir!
Just as the inability to edit is a PITA.
I've E-mailed Gizmo about not being to edit our posts.. You could e-mail him to if you want...":O}
LutaWicasa..I know you told me once...quite a while ago I think... But I forgot!!

What does LutaWicasa mean?
Red man in Lakota.
Although it should properly be WicasaLuta...the English reversal looks more pleasing. ;)
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I'm confused.
Screenshot from 2016-11-24 11-37-23.png

Are you not seeing the 'Edit' link right below your post, as seen above?
Ah, OK. I think the original complaint was not being able to access all features until 25 posts. While I admit that is a bit annoying, it is intended to be; it's purpose is to discourage those who would post disingenuously. The limit is never actually enforced if we can help it. When we see people that are obviously contributing, we bump them up to full status well before the limit. In addition, after careful consideration, we dropped the limit to 10 posts from the original 25.
In an odd way, my participation in this thread was in and of itself spammage.
An attempt towards accruing the needed posts to gain access to those features while making clear I'm too stubborn to be chased off by such restrictions/limitations :D

You should have just ask me LutaWicasa! I fall all over myself welcoming old friends! I forgot we have theses limits as Gizmo said we don't really use them if we don't have to. 10 seems a better compromise, thanks Gizmo
BTW How did Michael Jordon's floors turn out?

Gizmo for the last few days If I wait more than five minutes when I hit "edit" a message comes up say I'm out of time to edit...and that seems pretty final. Can you wake the devil from his dream? ":O}
Gimo has contacted me...He feels and I think it quite likely that the problem with Edits is.
Gizmo :

"Was it while editing a forum post, or while editing a PM to George? There are two different timers, and the PM timer <IS> at 5 minutes."

Does this match up with what others are experiencing? If so our work here is done! LOL
Daniel~...during my short time weaving a way through this life I have found, as a general rule, those who seek special treatment are usually those least deserving :)
Mike's floors came out alright, though he's not lived in that location for some time now. I must say that I am surprised (and humbled) that you seem to so clearly remember me.

BTW....editing doesn't seem to have a time limit on it within the fora. Just tried on a post I made the other day without difficulty ;)