Playonlinux asking for 32bit opengl libraries


Hello Everybody:
After some years using windows I decided enough is enough and Im back to Linux Mint 19.3.
I Installed wine 5.15 (staging) and playonlinux 4.3.4
But.... is asking for those libraries.
How do I get those????
thanks in advance and a huge hug for Booman and Daerandin!!!!
Libraries huh? Like the 32-bit ones?
I usually open Software Manager and do a search for: ia32-libs
If that doesn't work, then search Mint for Synaptics Package Manager.
You can also search for ia32-libs as well.

Also, a few other things that are helpful:
I'm still testing games in PlayOnLinux and it still runs well. Newer games made in Unity 3D engine or Unreal Engine need DXVK. The Unreal made games require Proton GE because it has a fix for faudio which stable Wine doesn't have yet.

Not to mention, if you have a Steam account, most of your games should run in Proton without serious issues.... I've been playing Assassin's Creed Origins and Fallout 4 and they are running GREAT!
It was fixed after I changed the nvidia driver to 440 from my driver manager.
Ok well... This is the thing... I dont understand what they are or how they work (DXVK and ProtonGE).
Total Chinese for me cause I was away from linux for too long. Those were just being talked about when i stop using linux.
In 5 years things changed a lot. So if u have a good guide tutorial etc for a complete noob I would like to learn.
Daerandin told me how to activate Proton on my steam games but when I installed RIME it didnt run, just crashed at start. Went to ProtonDB website and to be honest I didnt understand where to look for the answers and tips for fixing the game (overwhelming)..
No problem, this is exactly why we have guides here at GamersOnLinux!
Check out any of our recent guides and you will learn how to install DXVK and/or use ProtonGE by manually installing a game from
Even works with Games from
Sadly, I still try testing ABZU from time-to-time and it still doesn't work. They implemented an anti-cheat and its not compatible with Wine yet.

What kind of games do you like?
I will send you a link to a guide similar to the genre's you like...
Right now Im playing Wow and starting Icewind Dale EE again....
Was almost done, just 2 or 4 maps away to finish when my hdd crashed.
Lost 6 months of game. So have to start from scratch again.
Anyway I love that lil old game.
BTW I installed wow with playonlinux using a script. nice
About Abzu I gave up trying on Linux thats why I changed for Windows but...
I hate how intrusive Windows is, so when my HDD crashed I came back to Mint and here I am.
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Hello again.
Im some problems with my pc and I dont really know how to fix them.
1- Having fps problems and diconnections on wow vanilla 1.12.1.
My fps are in 25 and then go all the way down to 5 impossible to play.
My wow is a portable version (on windows u unzip the file and just doubleclick the .exe file, is like preinstalled version)
Im using wine 5.16 (staging), playonlinux 4.3.4 and nvidia drivers are 440
installed d3x9 corefont and tahoma. Dont know how to opengl (maybe that will fix it)
2- I use a program that is Linux Native calles SweetHome 3d
when I start the programa it crash showing me this note.
Screenshot from 2020-09-01 18-45-17.png

How ca I fix these things?
BTW reading DXVK guide since my video card is supported.
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I haven't played World of Warcraft in a long long time, but it looks like you have everything setup properly.
Don't forget to set the video memory size under Display in Configure
Can you run it with "debug" and see if there are any looping errors?

Ignore this, vcrun2015 is for
Looks like you also need Visual C+ 2015
You can install vcrun2015 in PlayOnLinux, but it may complain that it won't work in a 64-bit virtual drive. So try re-installing the game in a 32-bit wineprefix as long as its a 32-bit game.