Thread for streamers?


I'm going to start streaming and I would like to make it my job since I always liked to entertain people, but does anyone else stream their games?

As such I think a nice thread for it would be cool :3
I don't, sorry
IF I'm playing games it early in the morning and only an hour a day
Not to mention most people would find my gaming habits boring.
I don't generally like to have other people I don't even know commenting on my in-game stupidity. :)
I just think that this should be a thing here since I am effectively making twitch and youtube my job. Even as a sub-forum in the Gaming forum. I point a lot of traffic here to answer a lot of questions about wine so maybe people looking to leave windows could see that streaming is just as easy to do here as is in windows or OSX.
My internet isn't fast enough to constantly stream games
It would be cool if I streamed testing games, but I don't think we would have enough viewers to really take the time to watch me test.
If our community was larger and we had more people writing guides on a regular basis, we could schedule streams throughout the day.
So maybe some day
Remember we are really small. Not only is the Linux gaming community small (in comparison to Win & Mac) but we are mostly focused on Wine/PlayOnLinux gaming. We are the minority, unfortunately