There's just...something... about Greta the rubs me the wrong way.
Am I old and closed-minded? I simply have never liked her, sorry.
Her agenda is defeated soundly here by Peterson, who places reason before emotion - and always will.
Here's what i see. A very young person who understands what very old people don't seem to, She's fighting for her life.
Thi s one point where Dr Peterson and I don't see eye to eye.
I posted his discussion concerning this.
I listened all the way through waiting to hear, what I never heard.
If what he says is true Why the **** is the entire world seeing extremums freezing then frying?
Then there's the ungetoverable problem of vanishing resources.
I keep hearing that science will solve these problems...Then why the ****
Are we going under faster today than we were yesturday? And we are speeding up on the way down.
Look at our resource verses population expansion. More and more will have less and less.
The thing about Greta for me is this. She started this and remained alone in her vidgual for almost a year she met with no response Barely even a teen.r. Sitting in the cold out side of her school all day every Friday.
9 months before a single student joined her.
She's autistic. Think on that. Someone Whose supposed to be lacking is social graces. Some one already set apart and most often alone.
Isolated by her very condition. Yet she sat alone with a truth she could not turn away from.
And this is who steps out of her childhood security to face a very hostile world with a very unwelcome message.
The speech she brutalize congress with was the purest form of outraged innocence I have ever in 72 years seen..
I confess that I very much respect and admire Dr Peterson.
Never the less I cling to something I have always believed
"Out of the mouth of babes comes the truth."
In the I-Ching it is said that in times of great change and turmoil
it is not the sage who can console even the wise that gets the time right
but the young who are said to score a bullseye for it is the time itself that calls fourth the young into action.
I see Greta as a harbinger of change.
I don't often try and predict what's next. Mostly because I suck at it.
So for what it is worth. If we do not heed her if we find reasons to dismiss her and her message.
All that she and her generation fear will come to pass.
When Vesuvius blew Pompeii had tons, weeks and weeks of warning quake and belching smoke. But only a few fled, mostly the young who had nothing much to lose by going.
Why. Because the "Wise Heads" assured the people that there was nothing to fear. As wise heads feared nothing more than a loss of profits.
When Mount St Helen blew we had lots of warning But Governor Ray Her self a physicist Refused to issue an order to evacuate or close highways into that area as she fear it would be unpopular, I.E. bad for her to do so.
Vested interests are always in play. We seldom do the right thing mostly preferring the easy and expedient.
Greta like myself despises the empty promise that may well doom her.
I see Peterson as a brilliant and compassionate man,well suited to uncovering intrigues and dishonestly in our social discourse.
Greta is not dishonest. I fear Greta Has the time right and has scored a bullseye as far as knowing the time.
Perhaps he does elsewhere , But Dr Peterson did not on that occasion of which I posted ever say "This is really what's going on."
And I feel he needs to, because beyond all doubt something very troubling IS going on!!
How can anyone not like Greta ? Such fierce eyes and courage as she stood before congress and gave them hell in the name of her truth.
She speaks her truth even to power and they cringe before.her and repeat their lies.
not since Jone of Arc....