A brief meditation upon solitude.


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I suppose that the first thing I would like to say is that there's nothing inherently more spiritual about living alone as apposed to the path more traveled. But to the spiritually inclined of a certain disposition It can be a wonderful aid to discovery of one's own vacuity.

As one retreats from the company of others time slows. and the mind races to occupy itself
I did not really look within for many years. I was per-occupied with distraction anything that could fill five minutes or five days. Past relationships, I spend a lot of my time trying to understand my experiences from the point of view of those I had spent my early years trying to befriend.

When my heart grew to heavy with loss I put 30,000 miles on a motor cycle in less than a year, then sold the bike..The desert kept returning. The unsatisfactoriness of solitude as a way to pass the time was s constant theme. I grew angry, I grew bored with my anger.

no matter the distraction my own emptiness would return to haunt me.

The days refused to pass, the nights were filled with doubts about everything I thought I was doing. What was I doing I didn't know.

As I follow an Oracle I asked enough times to embarrass my self utterly, I had no shame. . I always got the answer I found not just unacceptable, but incomprehensible... "Wait"

After around 40 years about all I can say is that it doesn't hurt a much a it use to.
And that waiting has become something of a pleasure.
How that happened I can't really say. I suppose that if you fight the same battle enough times you come to know battle as an ally to peace.

You come to understand that to battle one's own faults is futile. they entangle us in frustration and anger.

When we wish to leave a fault behind us the best thing to do is to make energetic progress in the good. To focus one's mind upon accomplishment is to leave our fault behind us as we begin to assume a form pleasing unto Heaven we also take upon us a form enduring upon this Earth.

We begin to acquire our true meaning before man and God.

In it's purest expression, we come to love this world even as we seek the next.
We seek to help this world as if there were no next world to receive us.

It seems to me that two complementary worlds appear before us. To paths winding the same mountain.

We can enter this world with a view to reforming it.
We can retreat unto the heights in order to cultivate oneself in solitude.

There is nothing in this world that can tell us which is right for us. To advance or to retreat. Not even an Oracle. Each man and each woman upon the face of this Earth must decide this for themselves.... without guidance beyond our own hearts.

But there is guidance from within us. The intimations of fate surround us as we seek our way. if we are receptive they awaken an echo within that can be followed with assurance.

To enter the world or transcend it?

Here at this juncture of the material and spiritual worlds we are free to decide our own fates. Here at this juncture between our past and future, Heaven will accept
each one's decision....if it comes from one's own heart feeling for this world and the next.

This world is conditioned and un-free. We are surrounded by limitations imposed from within and without.

But here in this place of decision we are free to decide our own fates, we are allowed
what no other creature known to us is permitted... We can choose who we wish to become and how we wish to express our becoming.

I have come to believe that it matters little weather we chose to flower upon the Earth or to flower beneath the Heavens.

If it is our true heart that flowers we will be received by both, nourished by both.

We will continue in a cycle so vast as to be seen as a straight line even as it cures to our completion. A thing so full as to appear empty even a it takes us by the hand.

When we at last breach like some great fish of the deeps
We "Sail into the mystic"
(Van Morrison)

This is the promise given. A promise that was fulfilled before it was made.

An end that was created for us before we were born.

A love that endures beyond all that finds an end.

A love that can and does find a new beginning for every end.
"Worlds without end..."
Completely out of context. I beg your pardon good sir!
I never noticed that "meditation" and "medication" have such similar spellings before. Eep, it's even easier for "medication" to seem like it really is important.
Sometimes that is true, but most certainly not always!
Nobody wants to be sick, everyone wants a cure.":O}

I've added considerably to my post as the spirit moved me.":O}