A song for our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by Daniel~, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Greenwater WA
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    This Week the US Military approved women as front line combat troops. They have served with honor and distinction in this role for sometime...without combat pay or the promotional opportunities combat service provides.

    This week we finally recognize and honor that service. A song for those women who went on before and did their duty before recognition arrived....and made their service impossible to deny.

    Their fight can hardly be said to have been won. Our service women continue to face a discrimination that covers up their abuse. Our service women face a very real possibility that rape rather than gratitude greets their sacrifice. May this weeks "Sea change" bring them safer harbors when at home and when offering "That last, great, measure of devotion."

    Bang The Drum Slowly
    Emmylou Harris

    I meant to ask you how to fix that car
    I always meant to ask you about the war
    And what you saw across a bridge too far
    Did it leave a scar

    Or how you navigated wings of fire and steel
    Up where heaven had no more secrets to conceal
    And still you found the ground beneath your wheels
    How did it feel

    Bang the drum slowly play the pipe lowly
    To dust be returning from dust we begin
    Bang the drum slowly I'll speak of things holy
    Above and below me world without end

    I meant to ask you how when everything seemed lost
    And your fate was in a game of dice they tossed
    There was still that line that you would never cross
    At any cost

    I meant to ask you how you lived what you believed
    With nothing but your heart up your sleeve
    And if you ever really were deceived
    By the likes of me

    Bang the drum slowly play the pipe lowly
    To dust be returning from dust we begin
    Bang the drum slowly I'll speak of things holy
    Above and below me world without end

    Gone now is the day and gone the sun
    There is peace tonight all over Arlington
    But the songs of my life will still be sung
    By the light of the moon you hung

    I meant to ask you how to plow that field
    I meant to bring you water from the well
    And be the one beside you when you fell
    Could you tell

    Bang the drum slowly play the pipe lowly
    To dust be returning from dust we begin
    Bang the drum slowly I'll speak of things holy
    Above and below me world without end

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