A young Zen monk approached his Master one day to unburden himself. He informed his teacher that he had fallen in love with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Grace lived in her every movement. She was adored by his family and people were naturally drawn to her for her kindness and loving heart. Children would leave their play to follow after her trying to get her to smile for them.
The master seeing his student was greatly upset, near to tears and that he was indeed in love asked him:
"so what's the problem?
"She stupid!" he wailed,
she understands nothing of what I'm trying to accomplish.
"She can't keep household accounts and can barely write her name!"
The master looked upon his student. Slowly shaking his head with kindness and touching the young monk's forearmed asked softly
"Do you want a rose to sing? "
Grace lived in her every movement. She was adored by his family and people were naturally drawn to her for her kindness and loving heart. Children would leave their play to follow after her trying to get her to smile for them.
The master seeing his student was greatly upset, near to tears and that he was indeed in love asked him:
"so what's the problem?
"She stupid!" he wailed,
she understands nothing of what I'm trying to accomplish.
"She can't keep household accounts and can barely write her name!"
The master looked upon his student. Slowly shaking his head with kindness and touching the young monk's forearmed asked softly
"Do you want a rose to sing? "