If anyone ever figures out how to get AoE III to run via POL please let me know how.
The best I have gotten so far was the opening video plays and sound works but only until the opening video finishes playing then the sound quits. When I try the tutorial there is no sound and the lighting is bad and some things flash off and on.
I used the old POL install script as a guide but that didn't work so I checked the wine appli. data base and tried the full directx install and I got what I stated above. Leave it to Microsoft to design a game that's a pain to get working. I tried searching on this site but came up empty. If any one ever got this game to run in linux then please tell us how you did it. Steam version please. Thanks.
I tried to post my POL log file but this site said it was too large. You can't post more than 40,000 characters.
The best I have gotten so far was the opening video plays and sound works but only until the opening video finishes playing then the sound quits. When I try the tutorial there is no sound and the lighting is bad and some things flash off and on.
I used the old POL install script as a guide but that didn't work so I checked the wine appli. data base and tried the full directx install and I got what I stated above. Leave it to Microsoft to design a game that's a pain to get working. I tried searching on this site but came up empty. If any one ever got this game to run in linux then please tell us how you did it. Steam version please. Thanks.
I tried to post my POL log file but this site said it was too large. You can't post more than 40,000 characters.
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