Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
There is a lot of good information to installing and configuring CoD4: Modern Warfare here on WineHQ:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Most of the Tests are Platinum, so it should install and run just fine.
It seems versions 1.4 thru 1.6 are the Platinum but version 1.7 may have some problems.

Post your errors or bugs here and we'll try to help you get going again.

Windows Version: Windows XP
Libraries: d3dx9
DirectDrawRenderer: opengl
OffScreenRenderingMode: fbo
GLSL: readtex

To play Online, CoD4 requires Punkbuster, but there are reports that it doesn't install without a patched version of Wine.
Hi Booman, as promised in another thread, I installed again this game and this time it was a complete success!
I tried with Wine versions 1.4 and 1.6 and despite a successful installation, when shooting the screen was filled with horrible graphical glitches.
Of course I had patched the game, installed pol d3dx9 and configured the settings as suggested, but the result was identical to other installations in the past with older Wine versions.
Then, a few minutes ago, having run out of ideas, I simply replaced on the general tab of PlayOnLinux Configuration Wine 1.4 with Wine 1.2, simulated a Windows reboot and now everything runs perfectly well!:)
So I thank you for the suggestions (and the encouragement in another thread) and keep up your great work!
P.S.: at Amazon UK, FR and IT the price is around 20 euros; if you have a few bucks to spare, I couldn't recommend this game highly enough!
I've had these exact same solutions and most of the time it doesn't make sense.
Why Wine 1.2? How come the newer versions of Wine don't work?
Where is the backward compatibility?

Its strange that an older version of Wine worked, but it worked!
Thanks for posting your success!

I'm still curious is newer version of wine will work...
Mine was a spur of the moment decision, given that I had nothing to lose.
Apparently, newer version of Wine work for many guys who posted at Winehq, but I remember the first guide I saw about this game was from some blogger who had managed to run COD4MW using Wine pre-1.0!
PlayOnLinux is nice that way.
I just wonder if my guides need to be updated by testing them with newer versions of Wine?
There are a few guides that use old versions of Wine and who knows if they work on newer ones.
Backwards compatibility is a mystery with Wine.
I don't think it is necessary to update every guide: maybe you could test with newer Wine versions only the games that in your opinion didn't run as well as they should.
Good point. Or maybe just the games that get a lot of attention.
League of Legends seems to be one of the most popular games for Linux gamers.
I re-installed it over the weekend and found that I could make my guide better and even more clearer.
Thanks for the tips