Champions Online - Moving game files from Windows to Wine


New Member
I'm having trouble installing an MMORPG I've been playing on my old windows machine for a long while, now. Champions Online. There's no current guides for the installation, and I'm wondering if I should just shove it on a USB drive or a disk and just move the files over to the corresponding folders in Wine.

Is this a good idea? Is there a better way? I've been fiddling with this for the past few days, and uninstalled/reinstalled Wine and PlayonLinux about five times... So really, I just want to get this done.
Welcome to the forum!
Since Champions Online is made by Cryptic Studios there is a chance you can just copy all of the game files directly to a PlayOnLinux virtual drive and play.
I have been playing Neverwinter for a while and have done that before.
Initially I played it in Windows and didn't want to download the entire game all over again.
So I copied the Perfect World Entertainment folder after setting up a new 32-bit virtual drive in PlayOnLinux.
Then created a shortcut to the launcher and it worked great!
I was able to login, patch up the game and play just fine.

As a matter of fact, me and my daughter are both playing Neverwinter in Linux on two different computers.
Let me know if you need help doing the manual installation.
Welcome to the forum!
Since Champions Online is made by Cryptic Studios there is a chance you can just copy all of the game files directly to a PlayOnLinux virtual drive and play.
I have been playing Neverwinter for a while and have done that before.
Initially I played it in Windows and didn't want to download the entire game all over again.
So I copied the Perfect World Entertainment folder after setting up a new 32-bit virtual drive in PlayOnLinux.
Then created a shortcut to the launcher and it worked great!
I was able to login, patch up the game and play just fine.

I tried uninstalling it on my old Windows PC to get a fresh install to move over to my new computer via google drive. My potato decided to die on me, so this method's not going to work, as I no longer have the files on my old computer, and the old computer refuses to reinstall the files. So I'm going to try installing it from my linux again...
Oh, I didn't realize you were trying to copy from another Windows Computer.
For some reason I thought you were dual-booting.

If you were dual-booting you can just copy the Perfect World game folder directly to a virtual drive after you have set it all up like in my Neverwinter Guide.

There is a chance your Windows hard drive still works, but you will need an adapter to copy the files off of it.
Don't feel like tearing anything apart at the moment. Gonna try installing Champions with PlayonLinux again, but it's getting frustrating. Neverwinter installs perfectly and looks great, last I tried. Champions, whether I use Arc or a direct install I found on the web seems to be very crash-happy. Can't get the game running.
I've given upon this method, but I would seriously appreciate a guide on installing this game. I've read through the Neverwinter and STO guides, but neither seem to work for this specific game.
You could always install windows in Virtualbox, just to get the game installed. It would save you from having do dual-boot, and moving files to your host Linux system would also be easier to do from virtualbox.
I haven't tested Champions Online yet, but I think its a Cryptic game just like Neverwinter and Star Trek Online.
If it is, then it will install and update just fine in PlayOnLinux without Steam or Arc clients.
Unfortunately the direct link to the setup isn't working:

Perfect World must have moved the installer somewhere else
You can install it via Steam or Arc clients, but if you search online, there must be a link to the setup when you download it in Steam or Arc.
Link doesn't work for me. I managed to install it through Steam and make a new virtual drive for it. I got it running for a few seconds before it crashed and died on me.
Okay, I got the game 'working' to some extent, after following the STO guide to the letter. BUT,
I am having some serious issues after the game starts. Trying to change the settings cause the game to crash, which means I have to play the game in a low-resolution window.
Ok, can you launch the game with "debug"
I would like to see the log
No, I think that is the terminal output
When you launch the game in PlayOnLinux, instead of clicking "Run" Click "Debug" instead

By the way, I downloaded Champions Online yesterday and was able to play it this morning just fine.
One think you need to do is turn off "On Demand Patching" in the launcher options.
That has cause Neverwinter to crash in the past.
But when you disable this, you have to download the entire game up front.

[07/29/15 04:13:58] - Running wine-1.7.43 Champions Online.exe (Working directory : /home/poeshmoe/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/championsonline/drive_c/Program Files/Cryptic Studios/Champions_Online/Champierr:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x45a0000 0 0x33f9e0 4 stub
fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x46b0000 0 0x33df68 4 stub
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x88): stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33d988,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 0x7d7469f0, 0x188050, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, (nil), 0x00000000
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 0x7d7469f0
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow)
Resource id in failed request: 0x3000008
Serial number of failed request: 9
Current serial number in output stream: 13

Ran the Debug, yeah. Here it is.
Do these errors appear after you try to make video changes?
Are you using the virtual desktop setting in Wine Configuration?

I played Champions some more this morning and its running great.
I will post a guide next week, but its almost identical to Neverwinter and Star Trek Online

Can you at least play with the default settings?
When I launch Champions I get a warning that my video card isn't good enough so I normally check Low Settings. Then I go into Video options and crank it up.
I can play in default settings, here's what happens when I try to change the settings/run it maximized or fullscreen.

(And yes, I am using the virtual desktop)
Maybe try unchecking "virtual desktop"
It might cause more problems...

Also, maybe there is a config file you can edit to update video options.
Read this forum post first:
Then Try this:
  • Go to the Champions Online game folder
  • /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/champions/drive_c/Program Files/Perfect World/champions online/Champions Online/Live/localdata
  • Find Gameprefs.Pref
  • Rename to Gameprefs.ini
  • Open in Text Editor
  • Make necessary graphical changes (Warning, some changes can break the game)
  • Save
  • Rename back to Gameprefs.Pref
  • Launch Champions Online
The path might not be listed exactly as above. You will have to search around to get into the game folder, but it should be in your wineprefix folder in .PlayOnLinux

I recommend only changing the resolution so the game will appear full-screen.
Start there...