Diablo 3 On Linux


New Member
I'm new to the site but I hope that I can help some of you out.

This video tutorial Is for Installing and playing Diablo 3 using POL.
Enjoy and any questions I will be happy to help.


PS, I am currently rendering and uploading a World Of Warcraft video tutorial to youtube, I will let you know how I get on with this ones It has finished.
Very nice, thanks for showing us. Yeah, World of Warcraft would be a good one to see in Linux too.
Hi everyone
I hope you can help me.
My problem is the following.
During the installation I receive the message that there is not enough space in the HD.
Actually this is due not to a lack of space but to a setting of the machine that I'm working on since my home directory is connected to a network and for some reasons it always says I have a fix amount of free space (9.2 GB). I have tested downloading a backup of Diablo 3 (more than 11GB) from BOX that there is more than that space actually. However when i tried to install the game it doesn't even start and says that I need at least 15.1 GB of free space.
Now looking at your video you said that we need to make the download to start at least before copying the backup I have from Windows right?
Do you have any idea how I could solve?
I'm sorry if this is not the right place to ask and I'd really appreciate any help you can give me with this problem.

Thank You

Welcome to the forum fpancald...
That is an interesting problem.
So your /home is on another computer/server that you access over the network?

Do you know why Linux says you have only 9.2GB available?
Maybe its your root partition...

Since PlayOnLinux is automatically installed in your /home/username/ directory and yours is on the network, you may have to install PlayOnLinux in a different partition, or install the virtual drive in a different partition.

I've never tried this, but it may be worth some investigation.
I bet you can create a symbolic link to the wineprefix that is on another partition with more available space.
Welcome to the forum fpancald...
That is an interesting problem.
So your /home is on another computer/server that you access over the network?

Do you know why Linux says you have only 9.2GB available?
Maybe its your root partition...

Since PlayOnLinux is automatically installed in your /home/username/ directory and yours is on the network, you may have to install PlayOnLinux in a different partition, or install the virtual drive in a different partition.

I've never tried this, but it may be worth some investigation.
I bet you can create a symbolic link to the wineprefix that is on another partition with more available space.

Thank you.

As I said is not that there is not enough space because I have transferred bigger file to my home folder, but for some reason Linux keep saying that I have 9.2 GB of free space, I'm trying to understand why is that.

I think I'll eventually try to install on a different partition. As you said is probably the only solution.

Thank You again

I still need a little more detail on the home problem. Did you create an individual partition just for home? How large is it?
Can you free up space in home or is 9.2 Gigs all you can spare?

I would prefer to install the game in the typical PlayOnLinux fashion.
This will reduce problems later.
Unfortunately I wasn't the one who as set up the computer, it's my office computer at my University and it's connected with a computation system.
At the moment I'm trying to investigate what exactly is this configuration.
Anyway the thing is that the free space is stack at 9.2 whatever I do.
I tried deleting files erasing them completely and nothing changed.
I tried to download big files to see if was changing , but nothing.
Now I'm trying to understand if I can get access or create a physical partition on the HD of the computer itself.
As I said is not that there is not enough space because I have transferred bigger file to my home folder, but for some reason Linux keep saying that I have 9.2 GB of free space, I'm trying to understand why is that.

How is your home folder mounted? Is it done as an SMB share, or via NFS or some other mechanism?
Well I figured you would know because you reported that your home is over a network.
How did you put it over the network? Or did someone else set it up for you?
Ok, can you find out how they setup your home on a network?
Is it on a server, other computer or external hard drive?
Maybe you could explain your computer environment for us...
Do you have sever at home or a 2nd computer acting as a server?
What kinds of network are you using? Wireless?

I honestly think you should either mount your home in your computer, granted there is enough space, or just re-install LInux and set home on the internal hard drive... which is default.
Then you won't have this problem.
Video games are getting bigger and bigger these days.
Rage is 21 Gigs on Steam.... ridiculously huge!