Do you use any other Linux forums?

I've used the Manjaro forums a lot, and I sometimes go to the Gentoo forums. Recently I've been a bit to /r/linux on reddit as well.
I browse the Arch forums, and post if I spot an issue I can help with. Or post if something breaks and I can't figure out why. But otherwise I am not a particularly active online forum user.
I am not either. I mostly posted on AOAForums for the last 6 years or so. That was about it. I even started doing guides there first.
Now I mostly post here, on reddit and google+
reddit and google+ are great because I see lots of Linux gaming updates from several sites.
Oh I forgot to mention the PlayOnLinux forums!!!
I'm on there all the time helping people troubleshoot their games.
PlayOnLinux Forums
I'm not really that into communities like I was 10 years ago. It's very rare for me to stick around for longer than a year to be honest. I have heard great many things about OpenSuse community forums and I've been meaning to give them a try, even though I'm mostly a full time Debian user.
Uh oh, does that mean this time next year you will be missing-in-action? ;)
Uh oh, does that mean this time next year you will be missing-in-action? ;)

Maybe :P I do tend to hop from community to community. It all depends on how's the environment. If it's too full of zealots whose mission is to tell everyone either vim or emacs or how people shouldn't use GUIs (man, that takes me back)--by the way that was just an example--I tend to steer away immediately. You could say one just gets tired, especially when the notion of choices is very strong in our community.
Thats cool, one of the benefits of internet. Stay anonymous and free.
I usually end up finding a forum I really like and stick to it. I have only experienced a few hardcore zealots at POL forums and Reddit, but I ignore those guy and keep helping the newbie's with playing games.
The "zealots" really turn me off and I have a feeling they turn off newbies as well.
Kinda sucks, but I'm going to try my hardest to help newbies feel comfortable and free as well.
Even though I am not typically active on forums, I enjoy writing guides here and I have every intention of sticking around for years here. I was originally hesitant on solely using GNU/Linux, but finding information that most of my games were runnable was what convinced me. So that is a huge motivation for me to keep contributing in this way.
Even though I am not typically active on forums, I enjoy writing guides here and I have every intention of sticking around for years here. I was originally hesitant on solely using GNU/Linux, but finding information that most of my games were runnable was what convinced me. So that is a huge motivation for me to keep contributing in this way.

I like making contributions and help around the best I can. Most of my reddit comments lately has been around helping people get their audio issues and game issues fixed. That said, nothing is perfect. Heck, lately I've been thinking of deprecating my PulseAudio underrun guide in favor of a full JACK system because I've realized that dmix is actually a bad option and screen recorders can't pick up the audio. And overall it works only on ONE device at a time. :/

I've heard things that PulseAudio 4 works better... but the thing about this is that it takes a hell of a lot of time researching and testing. Even with JACK and with the help provided by Thunder I still don't feel comfortable enough to write a guide because I feel there's something lacking.
When the day comes, please make a JACK guide here on GamersOnLinux!
I would love to try something new with audio. Specially with the Pulseaudio problems in Wine & screen recorders.

Besides that, I like to record my own music and plan to use Linux one day, but I've read enough comments about how difficult it is to use multi-track recording with Pulseaudio and Alsa. So I am completely interested in other options that will benefit my recordings, gaming and videos.

Some day I might even do video guides, so I will need to record the installation, gameplay and narration.
Even though I am not typically active on forums, I enjoy writing guides here and I have every intention of sticking around for years here. I was originally hesitant on solely using GNU/Linux, but finding information that most of my games were runnable was what convinced me. So that is a huge motivation for me to keep contributing in this way.
We are grateful to have you on board Daerandin! You have become an amazing asset to Linux Gaming and the possibilities going forward!
I'm going to keep posting and updating guides for a long time as well. There are still thousands of games that will never see a native Linux port and I aim to prove they will run in Wine.
When the day comes, please make a JACK guide here on GamersOnLinux!
I would love to try something new with audio. Specially with the Pulseaudio problems in Wine & screen recorders.

Besides that, I like to record my own music and plan to use Linux one day, but I've read enough comments about how difficult it is to use multi-track recording with Pulseaudio and Alsa. So I am completely interested in other options that will benefit my recordings, gaming and videos.

Some day I might even do video guides, so I will need to record the installation, gameplay and narration.

I still need to write it primarily to my blog, mostly because I also need to inform people about it. I got most of the things I wanted to run. I can finally confirm this...


The little alsa-jack clients are actually games and youtube videos I'm running. It's what enabled me to use PulseAudio. Now I don't need to worry about that because I can come up with an even more powerful combination with JACK.

Truly an amazing server, what saddens me is having friendly names. I gotta check if there's a workaround.

That said, the JACK guide will be coming this week :)
Maybe you could be kind enough to post a link or a duplicate of your tutorial?
I don't have problems duplicating the tutorial :)

Also I'll leave this video for you haha. I've spent hours and hours dedicating my time with audio setups and trying to bring responses to those who needs it. I've learned quite a lot about audio... yet I still feel noobish, especially when it comes to ALSA config files.... they are madness!

This is the new audio setup. Pure JACK, no pulseaudio around. I'm sorry for the choppy video, it's because Guild Wars 2 and simplescreenrecord sucks a lot of power and my GPU isn't also that good
I don't have problems duplicating the tutorial :)

Also I'll leave this video for you haha. I've spent hours and hours dedicating my time with audio setups and trying to bring responses to those who needs it. I've learned quite a lot about audio... yet I still feel noobish, especially when it comes to ALSA config files.... they are madness!

This is the new audio setup. Pure JACK, no pulseaudio around. I'm sorry for the choppy video, it's because Guild Wars 2 and simplescreenrecord sucks a lot of power and my GPU isn't also that good

En mi caso se gana una cantidad apreciable de maquina al deshabilitar la composicion de escritorio y todos los efectos de escritorio, ademas que configurar en la apariencia de las aplicaciones en estilo en efectos en baja resolucion y poca cpu

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Si, es que siempre tengo la composicion habilitada haha. Mas todos los programas que tenia corriendo en la maquina pues... queria ver que tan habil era mi maquina, he corrido 3-4 juegos a la vez pero cuando setrata de grabar videos, todo se va pal $&&@#$ XD ¬_¬

Si, es que siempre tengo la composicion habilitada haha. Mas todos los programas que tenia corriendo en la maquina pues... queria ver que tan habil era mi maquina, he corrido 3-4 juegos a la vez pero cuando se trata de grabar videos, todo se va pal $&&@#$ XD ¬_¬

Por eso tengo deshabilitado todas esas caracteristicas, ademas uso un solo escritorio y para grabar no uso audio, del cual como ya te habras dado cuenta (al grabar un video con y sin sonido) el consumo de maquina es considerablemente mayor al grabar con sonido (aparte de los problemas de sincronizacion del video con el sonido)

En mi caso al grabar con audio facilmente se puede perder un 50% de rendimiento frente a la grabacion sin sonido y aun en este modo de grabacion consume alrededor de un 20 a 30% de cpu en mi equipo

Ojala en un futuro tanto amd, intel y nvidia solucionen este problema al hacer screencasting, por lo menos en las amd con el driver opensource al parecer se puede usar VCE (la unidad dedicada para encodificacion en H.264) en intel mejor conocida como QuickSync y en nvidia NVENC (presente en las vga basadas en kepler, en mi GT630 (GK208) esta disponible pero no hay software en linux que lo use :( por el momento)

Esta informacion aparece en un canal al cual me suscribi hace poco de un usuario de steam al parecer de ukrania

El cual hace relativamente poco tiempo tiene un canal de youtube

El cual esta realizando pruebas con el driver opensource de amd, tiene una Radeon HD7790 con un i5 3330 (del resto de la maquina no ha desvelado mas informacion)

Pero lo importante es que esta usando la unidad VCE presente en la Radeon HD7790, el menciona que el uso de la cpu estaria un 5% a 7%

Aunque aun asi varios titulos en el wine corren muy mal* teniendo en cuenta que usa la unidad de dedicada, la cpu que posee, la potencia de la RadeonHD 7790 y al igual que las grabaciones que realizo graba sin sonido

*Por ejemplo

Farcry 2 le promedia 25fps con detalles altos a 1600x900

Counter Strike Global Ofensive le promedia 30fps con detalles medios (con excepcion de el filtrado anisotropico el cual lo usa a 4x y los effectos en alto) a 1600x900 (este titulo en windows lo corren a 1080p, en ultra promedia 120fps y en medio mas de 200fps)

Grand Theft Auto IV le promedia 20fps con detalles bajos* a 1600x900

*las texturas las usa en medio, el filtrado de texturas en trilinear, la calidad de la reflecion la tiene apagada, la calidad del agua en medio, la calidad de la sombra en bajo, la definicion la tiene apagada, el v-sync lo tene activo, la distancia de vision la tiene en 6, la distancia de detalle la tiene en 6 y la densidad de los vehiculos en 8

Aunque como detalle importante en los test del wine no aparecen bugs graficos sin embargo

Volviendo al caso ojala tanto amd, intel y nvidia mostraran una mejora a sus unidades dedicadas de captura (VCE - QuickSync - NVENC) pero que incluyera unidades dedicadas para la captura del audio, esto podria solucionar en gran parte la perdida considerable de cpu al capturar con sonido

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