Forum public profile


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
In my profile, is there a place where I can put information?
Description, Specs, Games, likes, etc...

I would like to list this information and then link to it in my signature.
Not currently, but I'm pretty sure I can add custom profile fields, if you'll tell me what you want.
Hmm, let me think...

1. Owned Games
2. Favorite Games
3. Computer/OS Specs
4. Other Interests
5. My Website
6. Linux Websites

pick the ones you think would be helpful. These are just off the top of my head...
I've added Owned Games, Distribution, Computer Specs.

Not sure that favorite games is all that useful, as I'd think there would be some significant overlap between owned and favorite games.

Other Interests is already coverd.
Thats good with me!
I'll start populating.
Thanks Gizmo
Gizmo said:
I've added Owned Games, Distribution, Computer Specs.

Not sure that favorite games is all that useful, as I'd think there would be some significant overlap between owned and favorite games.

Other Interests is already coverd.
Not to mention that favorite games will change fairly often with younger members.
Not me, Oblivion is still one of my favorite games of all time!
No, I havn't played Skyrim yet, but I have a feeling its going to top it.

Is it ok if I keep my games site active until we have a way to migrate my Linux Test list to GameOnLinux?
It will be nice to have a row/column format where I can continue to update my list as I test game in Linux
I'll take that as a "yes"
I just want my signature to link to something.
And since my list is quite robust, I'll link to it for now
OK by me. Were trying to get a lot of things done fast, so short cuts come in handy...Just so she makes a graceful departure at the appointed time.":O}
uh, yeah
I havn't been updating my site anyways.
Not to mention that our signatures do not support the tags. So I can't link to anything anyways
Actually, your profile allows you to link to a web site (which both of you are already using, I see).

Also, I can probably fix the URL thing in the siggys, but I'll have to look at that after more important issues are addressed.