Please note that the following is taken from posts elsewhere in our forums. I brought them here as we just opened this topic
Daniel posted:
Enrich me! Say what you can about Hanbleceya!
LutaWicasa posted:
The mechanics or the experience?
The mechanics vary a bit from people to people.
As to the command of any language is more than insufficient to convey even the smallest part of this.
Daniel posted:
Ok, let's go for the mechanics. I simply haven't heard of Hanbleceya until now.
LutaWicasa posted:
Alrighty then.
Hanbleceya would loosely translate to "crying for a vision"...seeking guidance.
One would first ask their medicine man to put them on the hill.
Upon agreement, you would start preparation. In some of your preps you may have assistance...such as gathering of rocks for the inipi (sweat) or sage for ground cover in the initipi (sweat lodge) or wood for the fire.
What you must do yourself.....
Locate the site where you will'll know when ya find it.
The making of prayer ties (enough to surround your site, about 12 ft on a side tied about 5-6 inches apart)
If you've not done so previously, make your canupa (pipe)
Acquire a Star Quilt (this is best if not "bought" but either made, earned or gifted)
Same with a Spirit Bowl.
It begins now with an Inipi ceremony (the sweat "cleansing") in which you will also fill your pipe, after which you are escorted to your site.
There, you are placed in the center, a cradle for the pipe is fashioned, the bowl is placed and filled. The prayer ties are strung with a side to each direction and closed.
The people leave and you pray for 24 hrs.
At the end of this time, the medicine man opens the enclosure and you are taken down to another inipi, during which your previously filled pipe is used.
The following day, it is your responsibility to go up dismantle the site and bury or burn your prayer ties.
This is done over 4 consecutive years...
Year 1....1 day fast/prayer
Year 2....2 day fast/prayer
Year 3....3 day fast/prayer
Year 4....4 day fast/prayer
So...there ya go. The basics.
Daniel posts:
Many thanks!
Daniel posted:
Enrich me! Say what you can about Hanbleceya!
LutaWicasa posted:
The mechanics or the experience?
The mechanics vary a bit from people to people.
As to the command of any language is more than insufficient to convey even the smallest part of this.
Daniel posted:
Ok, let's go for the mechanics. I simply haven't heard of Hanbleceya until now.
LutaWicasa posted:
Alrighty then.
Hanbleceya would loosely translate to "crying for a vision"...seeking guidance.
One would first ask their medicine man to put them on the hill.
Upon agreement, you would start preparation. In some of your preps you may have assistance...such as gathering of rocks for the inipi (sweat) or sage for ground cover in the initipi (sweat lodge) or wood for the fire.
What you must do yourself.....
Locate the site where you will'll know when ya find it.
The making of prayer ties (enough to surround your site, about 12 ft on a side tied about 5-6 inches apart)
If you've not done so previously, make your canupa (pipe)
Acquire a Star Quilt (this is best if not "bought" but either made, earned or gifted)
Same with a Spirit Bowl.
It begins now with an Inipi ceremony (the sweat "cleansing") in which you will also fill your pipe, after which you are escorted to your site.
There, you are placed in the center, a cradle for the pipe is fashioned, the bowl is placed and filled. The prayer ties are strung with a side to each direction and closed.
The people leave and you pray for 24 hrs.
At the end of this time, the medicine man opens the enclosure and you are taken down to another inipi, during which your previously filled pipe is used.
The following day, it is your responsibility to go up dismantle the site and bury or burn your prayer ties.
This is done over 4 consecutive years...
Year 1....1 day fast/prayer
Year 2....2 day fast/prayer
Year 3....3 day fast/prayer
Year 4....4 day fast/prayer
So...there ya go. The basics.
Daniel posts:
Many thanks!