I compiled a list of all the IT related items I've had my hands on in the last 9 years.
(please do not read in one setting, its quite boring)
Ticketing System:
(please do not read in one setting, its quite boring)
- OnBoarding - Deploy Hardware, Phone, Mobile, Check-Out Assets
- Offboarding - Pickup hardware, Check-In Assets
- Move Offices Desks and/or Furniture & Hardware
- Replace Faulty Power Supplies, Hard Drives
- Solder and Replace Failed Motherboard Capacitors
- Install Access Points, Check/Troubleshoot Switch & Patch Routing
- Laptop/Lab Workstation Hardware Upgrade, Repair, Troubleshoot, Research
- Laptop & Workstation Imaging New, Spare, Loaner, Lab Computers
- Manage, Train, Configure all TV's, Microphones, Speakers, Cameras and Audio Equipment
- Asset Tag Hardware - Monitors, Docking Stations, Computers, SSD Drives
- Recycle Legacy Hardware - Westek
- OnBoarding - Employees/Contractors AD Account, Groups, Shares, VM, DUO, Licenses
- OffBoarding - Terminations Employee/Contractor
- Operating Systems Manual Update
- Verizon Portal - Mobile Phone Mangement
- SCCM/LanDesk Imaging, Software Installs, Asset Information
- Remote Helpdesk Basic Troubleshooting, software, installation, VPN, etc.
- Security/Distribution Groups Create/Modify/Update
- Email O365/OnPrem Basic Troubleshooting, aliases, shared mailbox, room mailbox, etc
- Google Suite Administration - Groups, Team Drives, Accounts, Security Alerts
- Software Installation Visual Studio, MatLab, Office Upgrades, JMP, SnagIT, SPRY, Acrobat, Audition, etc
- VPN Basic Troubleshooting External and Internal (Guest Wifi)
- Local Lab Accounts Shared Accounts
- Local Lab Workstations Image/Upgrade/Install/Troubleshoot/Backup
- CrashPlan Notifications, Status, Installs, upgrades, Troubleshoot
- Sophos Scans/Updates SGN Removal, Cloud installs, send Tamper Protection Codes
- CADWS Create VMs & Basic Troubleshooting
- AD Locked Accounts Unlock and Investigate Devices and Services
- Service Accounts Create, Modify
- DUO Account Creation, Re-Activate, Removal
- SVN / Wandisco Accounts, Permissions
- MatLab/MathWorks Licenses Manage, Update, Activate, Deactivate, Floating License
- Office 365 Portal Assign licenses, Modify Mailboxes
- Mac Citrix/Fusion Setup Windows Images/Environment, Permissions, Installations, Troubleshooting
- VMWare Setup (Mac, Windows) Install VMWare/Fusion and setup Image, add to domain
- Jenkins Software Updates (Win)
- Bit Locker Basic Troubleshooting after Lenovo Updates
- Blacklist/Whitelist ProofPoint - Email Addresses and Domains
- Linux Debian Lab Workstation Remote Access VNC Server, Xming
- Rasberry Pi Installation, Tests, Updates
- Software/Hardware/AD/Permissions/Directories/Shares/Phones/Desks/Printers/Scanners/Trend Exclusions/Office 365/Research/
- Copy VM's, smoke test, update TrendMicro, remove credentials, snapshots
- Check Backup Exec logs daily, weekly, monthly
- Swap Tapes weekly, monthly
- Assign & Setup interfaces/services (WebEx, Remote Access, Footprints, Jabber)
- Weekly or Monthly Rotations
- Weekend Support
- 24 Hour Support
- Replacement - Batteries, Hard Drives, motherboards, etc
- Software, Licenses, Upgrades
- Verizon Mobile Phones
- Laptops, Desktops, Stock Keyboards, Mice, Cables, Docking Stations, Monitors
- Research and Create Quotes
- Contact 3rd Party Vendor for Quotes
- Customize Purchase Requests and Approvals
- Follow up on Approvals
Ticketing System:
- Reply & Assign New Ticket
- Walk-Up Tickets
- Footprints
- Samanage
- Cherwell
- Zendesk
- FreshService
- ServiceNow
- Customize and Automate FreshService Requests
- Follow up with Tickets
- Close & Resolve Tickets, Document Resolution
- Respond to Footprints ticket
- Confirm ticket problem/content
- Update tickets when work is done/completed
- Create Footprints tickets
- Create Purchase Order
- Call contractor/Bldg Mgmt
- Meet with contractor/Bldg Mgmt
- Confirm work is done
- Complete PO (if necessary)
- IT Step-by-Step Guides and Tutorials
- End User Step-by-Step Guides and Tutorials
- Vendor Lists
- Department Bookmarks/Links
- Group & Access Templates
- Email Rules & Filters
- IT Documentation - Hardware, Software, Environments, Services, Sites, Contacts, etc.