Jordan Peterson


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I haven't promoted modern thinkers For the simple reason that`
I haven't much interest or experience of them.

Lately I came across this fellow, He's at odds with his university, his government and politically correct left.

He is an extremely well educated independent thinker who actually lives as best he may a rational life.
I bring him to you in hopes that he might be of use or interest to you. I am not his advocate, I just came across him. But I do really like him and his approach and respect for discourse.

Hey, I've been following him since around 2021 or so, off and on. And yes, I find him to be thought-provoking.
Say Chris...If you still have the first three seasons of the Expanse I'd like to borrow them, Rewatching is better than no watching.":O)
A bit more on Peterson...
The man's not angry, he's frustrated.

He's out there doing his very best to do good in his world and he must continually deal with interviewers who pretend to be open or even in sympathy with his views. Yet constantly go for the lest likely explanation as the what is meant by what he has said.

I'm posting such an interview. The interviewer is smarted and better equipped than most. Yet the interview itself never gets anywhere. Why?
Because The interviewer Has a list of "Gottch" questions and is only interested in Dr. Peterson's answers if they can be twisted into furthering
his already biased and accusative rather than inquiring approach.

Notice that he can never be brought into any sort of agreement.
That's because he utterly insincere.

He doesn't want to know Peterson or come to a better understanding of what he has to offer. He wants to "Expose" him. To show the world how very much more clever he is. And how Really very little Peterson has to offer.

When in my View he succeeds only in showing the world how little truth he is willing to hear.

In contrast I offer thiis interview.
Everything about it is different. Because the interviewer is open to the answers he receives. He doesn't try to dig down into what Peterson's "real" motives are. He allows Peterson to fully explain himself and his questions are in aid of Peterson in doing that/

In short he helps Peterson to make himself and his ideas known.
Anit that the way it otta be?

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My clearest insight into a man who is
"A friend to all this world"
Such a friend carries a heavy weight.