KRA Hacker News _-=X8X=-_


Stuff as it comes.................`|

Apple to open up app stores, what does this mean for the future?

An EU law has been passed to lay out alternate iphone appstores and packaging services by 2024. I'm sure everyone is aware of Cydia and DynX, but now imagine walking into TMobile and seeing them installed on the phone you're buying!

This seems absolutely crazy to me. At some point I can have an iphone and have fdroid on it. Not only is that exactly what I want, I feel like I'm actually crazy that that is a potential

By 2023 the bill will be thru all the way, apparently its already been passed, but by 2024 it will be official mandate of the eu.

This is nuts, apple is going to lose so much money.


## Remember, the news is as it happens
# Void PPC To Reboot to Void POWER

This report comes from me. I am working on getting some people together and restarting the Void PowerPC fork, only this time, forking off of void in general.

### Void POWER means putting the POWER in your HANDS.

### You choose what hardware you want to run, and you choose how you are going to handle it.

I am a firm believer that we have been throwing technology away at an incredible pace, just because we are novel creatures and think that new is better. Well, here I sit looking at new laptops and I can barey find anything with a new GPU in it. Most build qiuality is trash, and more and more the market fills with gimmicks that will just furthur fill landfills, see Framework Laptops, see Tesla Dumpster Fire, see 10 Years On.

What Void PPC Originally was for was to have an operable environment to hack OpenFirmware with. Now, the goal is to make it so you can take almost any machine and make at least something useful with it.

I am falling asleep in my seat I will come back to this in a couple hours.
IBM OpenPower 10/11 to drop "General Desktop Hardware Support"
Mostly meaning no more nvidia (who cares)

A recent announcement was made in inner circles, now moving toward the public, that IBM, and thusly, OpenPower, would be moving away from Nvidia technologies, related technologies, and possibly GPU support in general. How this is possible in an era of AI and high cubic data processing, who the **** knows.

What does this mean for systems such as Raptor Talos and other feature workstations?

As of now there is nothing on their site to indicate anything spooky will happen any time soon, but I have sent them an Email regarding these changes and asking if it will have any effect on their overall business. Hopefully we arew in the all clear for now.

Raptor CS Emailed about Talos System Compute Support -- VOID POWER

I have messaged Raptor about helping out with some compute time. I don't know that they will care at all as most of this project is offline, mostly because I don't want Void POWER stolen from me or hijacked.

Conersation updates will be listed here as they come,.
##Adelie Linux has Launched new ISO's.


After a lengthy period of bug hunting, and even me assisting with bugs, a new Adelie image set is due to release within the next few days.

The reason I am posting this is because I am going to likely become apart of the Adelie distro and its work team. There may be reason to go thru adelie to get UpStorm built, but I don't know if I want to go off my original design premise for that.

Awilfox has fixed numeral boot issues pertaining to the POWER and PowerPC images, and we even ended up finding a bug with Grub/ the linux EFI system. Its even busted one of my installs, so to have witnessed that being fixed is super cool.

And, at last, I have a place to share my ideas and get genuine feedback. I can finally work on my code projects and get something out of them other than self hatred. Very exciting.