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League of Legends Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Jul 18, 2013.

  • by booman, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:20 AM
  • booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Linux, Virginia
    Home page:

    Call on your Summoner to battle along-side minions in the free-to-play MOBA. Level up, buy upgrades from the store and play cooperative with some friends. League of Legends has a lot of competitive action and fighting as you slaughter minions, turrets and Summoners.

    League of Legends has received a lot of attention in the Linux world. WineHQ's and PlayOnLinux are constantly bombarded with questions on how to run it.


    Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing League Of Legends in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

    Note: This guide applies to the Official Website version of League Of Legends. Other versions may require additional steps.

    Tips & Specs:

    To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

    Mint 17.3 64-bit
    PlayOnLinux: 4.2.10
    Wine: 1.8

    Wine Installation

    Click Tools
    Select "Manage Wine Versions"

    Look for the Wine Version: 1.8
    Select it
    Click the arrow pointing to the right

    Click Next

    Downloading Wine


    Downloading Gecko


    Wine 1.8 is installed and you can close this window

    Create Account
    Go To: https://login.leagueoflegends.com/
    Click "Create an Account"

    Click preferred language

    Fill out registration form
    Click "Play For Free"

    Download League Of Legends Installer

    LeagueOfLegendsBaseEUW (Europe West)

    LeagueOfLegendsBaseEUNE (Europe Nordic East)

    LeagueOfLegendsBaseNA (North America)

    Navigate to Desktop
    Click Save

    PlayOnLinux Setup
    Launch PlayOnLinux
    Click Install

    Click "Install a non-listed program"

    Click Next

    Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
    Click Next

    Name the virtual drive: leagueoflegends
    Click Next

    Check all three options:
    • Use another version of Wine
    • Configure Wine
    • Install some libraries
    Click Next

    Select Wine 1.8
    Click Next

    Select "32 bits windows installation"
    Click Next

    Wine Configuration

    Applications Tab
    Windows Version: Windows XP

    Graphics Tab
    Check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
    Check "Emulate a virtual desktop"
    Desktop size: Enter resolution of Linux Desktop
    Click OK

    PlayOnLinux Packages (Libraries, DLL's, Components)

    Check the following:
    • POL_Install_corefonts
    • POL_Install_d3dx9
    • POL_Install_tahoma
    Click Next

    Note: All packages should automatically download and install

    Installing League of Legends

    Click Browse

    Navigate to your Desktop
    Select "LeagueOfLegendsBaseNA.exe"
    Click Open

    Click Next again

    Click Next

    Check "I accept the terms..."
    Click Next

    Select "Complete"
    Click Next

    Click Install

    Uncheck "Launch League of Legends"
    Click Finish

    PlayOnLinux Shortcut

    Select "lol.launcher.exe"
    Click Next

    Name the shortcut: League Of Legends
    Click Next

    Select "I don't want to make another shortcut"
    Click Next

    PlayOnLinux Configure

    Back to PlayOnLinux
    Select "League of Legends"
    Click Configure

    General Tab
    Wine version: 1.8

    Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine.

    Display Tab
    Video memory size: Select the amount of memory your video card/chip uses

    Close Configure

    Launching League of Legends

    Select League of Legends
    Click Run

    Note: Click Debug to see errors and bugs

    Click Accept

    Click Accept

    Updating & Patching

    Peer to Peer disable
    Click the gear at the top right
    Uncheck "Allow Peer to Peer Transfer"

    Click Launch

    Check "Remember username"

    Click Play


    Press Esc
    Click Options

    Click Video

    • Resolution
    • Windowed Mode
    • Graphics Presets
    • Character Quality
    • Effects Quality
    • Environment Quality
    • Shadows
    • Character Inking
    • Frame Rate Cap
    • Anti-Aliasing
    • Wait for Vertical Sync
    Click Okay


    League of Legends runs even better with Wine 1.8 I've read you may experience better performance with Wine 1.8-staging as well. I had no problems with my GeForce 550 Ti 192-bit 1GB RAM.

    Gameplay Video:








    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016


Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. booman
    You are in a tight-spot. Ubuntu 12.04 is getting kinda old, but is pretty dang stable. Are you using 64-bit Ubuntu? Can you play any other games?
  2. TillaTalla
    I am using 32-bit Ubuntu, playing game... most of games I play support Linux (Dota 2, Cs 1.6), I actualy have more than 2 Gb of Ram, because I upgraded my computer little time ago, sorry for my bad enlgish.
  3. booman
    Perfect, that is good. Sounds like you have everything setup for games.
    The next step is a debug output.
    1. Open PlayOnLinux
    2. Select League of Legends
    3. Click Debug (on the right side)
    4. Copy everything in the debug
    5. Post in the forum here: PlayOnLinux
  4. narutovios
  5. TillaTalla
    I had same problem like narutovios had one day, LoL's new patch might have cause it!
  6. booman
    I bet you are right. I'll launch LoL and see if it loads a new patch. If yes, then we will have to wait for someone to patch Wine. Sucks for us...
  7. narutovios
    By the way at picture you have also tick at POL_Install tahoma but you dont have at the list so we install or no ?
  8. booman
    I didn't notice that I didn't include Tahoma. I always add Tahoma to every game.
  9. kevin
    Im running ubuntu 13.10 OS and trying to play league of legends through playonlinux but evertime after champ select i freeze at 0% during the load screen. I just installed ubuntu 13.10 and league of legends. I did this bc when i was using kubuntu i was experiencing the same issue. How do i fix this and what can be causing this?
  10. booman
    I'm glad you made it to the loading screen. What video card are you using?
    Can you play other games on your Ubuntu Distro?
    The best indicator of what is going on will be sending us your Debug output.
    Next time you launch League of Legends select the game and click "Debug" instead of Run.
    Then copy and paste the output here: PlayOnLinux
  11. mkt
    06/26/14 10:31:32] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends lol.launcher.exe (Working directory : /home/mkt/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/leagueoflegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
    ( ERROR)[10:31:32.334] RADS::Common::RegistryHelp::RegKeyValueString::RegKeyValueString: Failed to find registry value "ProgramW6432Dir" (2).
    fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f8c4 1 C) semi-stub

    ubuntu 14 04 x64 amd procesor ati radeon 8670m graphic card 8 gb ram working dota 2 and other sort of games
  12. booman
    Glad DOTA2 is running. This means you have the proper 32-bit libraries installed for games. MSCVP is Microsoft Visual C so if you followed this guide you probably installed vcrun2005 and vcrun2008
    I wonder if installing vcrun6 and vcrun2010 will help?
  13. Cabian
    Hi, i have done everything as you described... I was able to lauch, patch and log in. But when I'm starting a match it just appear a black screen instead of the champ images... Would you have any idea how to solve it ?
  14. Cabian
    Im with linux mint 16 32 bit
  15. booman
    Not sure, what video card/chip are you using?
    Do you have proprietary drivers installed?
    Check Additional Drivers in Menu/Administration
  16. Cabian
    Idk what is my chip, ive got a VAIO notebook... not very new, not very old... I was able to play lol in it before when i had windows... What you mean, to check additional drivers in linux? how do i do that ?
  17. booman
    What is the model of your VAIO?
    In Mint click:
    Menu> Administration> Additional Drivers
    Menu> System Tools> Device Drivers
    Menu> Preferences> Device Drivers

    Its somewhere in there...
  18. Cabian
    I have a driver manager... But when it open it doesnt show anything its blank... I was trying to look for some intel driver installer i've read about, but i couldnt install it, i do not know how to use the prompt much... but the reason lol isnt working is probably beacause of having no drivers installed, i installed the linux mint few days ago. Do you know some way i can get the drivers installed?
  19. booman
    Oh, if you have Intel video chip, then the drivers are already installed. This may be the problem. I have a Chromebook with an Intel HD 2000 video chip and it won't play games like League of Legends.
    What exact model VAIO do you have? I'll look it up and see what video chip you have.

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