League of Legends Help

World of Tanks works fine.

I have tried the virtual desktop configuration to no avail

I have done a completely clean reinstall to ensure that I was using the most recent scripts from PlayOnLinux.

Still no joy.

I'll now get the debug logs out for you.
I looked through the logfile and I have to say that I can't see anything helpful. There are a few minor differences between the PoL script you've installed from and booman's guide here. The script does not install the d3dx9 library, and according to winehq that is required. It really is the only thing I can think of to try at this point.

Open PlayOnLinux, and select the shortcut for the game. Then click on "Configure" with the game shortcut selected. Select the "install components" tab, find "d3dx9" on the list and install it. If we are lucky, that may solve your problem.
OK - I've installed DOTA, using steam, which is very much like LoL, and that seems to work properly. I am quite sure both a based off the Blizzard engine from 'Warcraft/Starcraft.
I've installed the d3dx9 as sugessted, but sorry, no joy...

The errors are the same, in glxMakeCurrent+0x27 and sometimes in glxDestroyContext
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The DOTA point is however probably that the problem is not associated with the game proper, just with making LolLauncher live past it minimization to serve as connection broker for LolClient. I am sure that If I could only get it that far, i'd be on the gravy train.

I do not get much output if using debug, as I think only debug for the main process is passed to PlayOnLinux. I have tried when installing directly with wine, to launch the LOLLauncher.exe installed by the initial launcher, directly using winedbg, and gotten a debug console when the error would hit. I have however not got the debug symbols correctly installed, and not the source either, so the debug session was of little use.

I'll upload the log anyways


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Sometimes it can help to install some additional directx libraries, specifically the d3dx9_36 and d3dx9_42 or sometimes d3dx9_43, I know some games that specifically needs these to work. However, since it does not seem to be something anyone else needs, I doubt it will fix the problem for you.

From your logs, you seem to be using a specific wine version. Have you ever tried any other wine versions? Or perhaps doing a manual install exactly as detailed in booman's guide here?

However, I have to admit that I don't think I have any further suggestions at this point.
I've tried the wine installation instructions from AppDb, using various combos of WINEARCH=win32 or win64 and stuff

today a colleague told me to try to specify the location of the desired libGl.1.so by adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib32/nvidia-331/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH or other paths, to ensure loading of the 32 bit versions. This has however not changed anything much
Well well

I've gotten as far as not having LolLauncher.exe not crash on me, but something is still amiss: I cannot login. In the console output I see a couple of lines like:
fixme:ras:RasEnumConnectionsW (0x12c5c0,0xb34d228,0x76c623e4),stub!
fixme:ras:RasEnumConnectionsW RAS support is not implemented! Configure program to use LAN connection/winsock instead!
And the client says invalid username/password, but if I sign in directly on the game webpage, my credentials are fine.
Sorry I'm late to the party!
I actually install dxfullsetup from now on.
It install all d3d libraries. Seems to help most games. The reason is because I have found that d3dx9 alone isn't enough for some games.
So dxfullsetup covers all directx libraries needed for most games.

Also, please don't attach files for debug. Just go ahead and post it in a reply.
We don't want readers to worry about viruses and malware... also pasting the debug can be searched with Google.

Have you tried different versions of Wine?
There are several LeagueOfLegends versions of Wine in PlayOnLinux