Linux Powered Rifle

So you boot your rifle and it goes out and shoots a deer?
Another case of we can but should we in my view...
Daniel~ said:
So you boot your rifle and it goes out and shoots a deer?
Another case of we can but should we in my view...

Actually, no. The idea is that the rifle is seeing the same thing you are, but you are in control, right up until you squeeze the trigger. At that point, the rifle takes over but doesn't actually fire until you are sighting the target you designated.

It purposely DOESN'T shoot full auto, but only one round at a time (hit what you intend to, rather than spray-n-pray).

IMHO, I actually think this is a good design as long as it works the way they say it does.

Whether or not we should HAVE guns is a whole separate discussion, but as long as we DO have them, I believe this is a good step.
I wonder if Linux can lock the gun so no-one can accidentally shoot themselves in the foot?

Will Wine run on it?
booman said:
I wonder if Linux can lock the gun so no-one can accidentally shoot themselves in the foot?
I rather doubt it. The technology is designed to allow you to improve the probability of hitting the desired target. If you designate your foot as the desired target, it will probably quite happily let you.

booman said:
Will Wine run on it?

If so, it would add a whole new dimension to COD.
Gizmo said:
I rather doubt it. The technology is designed to allow you to improve the probability of hitting the desired target. If you designate your foot as the desired target, it will probably quite happily let you.
Thats what I mean, with some clever programming it won't shoot specific elements. Oh, I don't know... like a... person?
What I originally meant was the OS could lock it from firing at all. Like a safety that requires a password.

Gizmo said:
If so, it would add a whole new dimension to COD.
I don't want to think where that would go...
booman said:
Gizmo said:
I rather doubt it. The technology is designed to allow you to improve the probability of hitting the desired target. If you designate your foot as the desired target, it will probably quite happily let you.
Thats what I mean, with some clever programming it won't shoot specific elements. Oh, I don't know... like a... person?
What I originally meant was the OS could lock it from firing at all. Like a safety that requires a password.

I'm sure it could be programmed with a password of some kind so that it couldn't be fired except by the person who had the password. In theory, you could probably fit it with some kind of image recognition that would prevent it from shooting anything that matched certain parameters, but that would pretty much remove use for the weapon.

Look, I know where this is going, so let's just cut to the chase:

I weigh 230 pounds, and stand 6' 2". I work out every day, so it's safe to say that while I'm carrying a little more weight that I should, I'm still very strong. Because of my martial arts training, I'm also extremely fast for a man my size, and I have both the knowledge and the capability to kill you with my bare hands in the span of just a few seconds, and I am more than capable of handling several attackers at once.

My wife weighs 130 pounds, stands 5' 5", and is of slender build. She's not exactly a weakling, but in any physical contest between us, she loses. There is no middle ground.

If I take it into my head to commit madness and mayhem, how is she going to stop me? If I take it into my head to commit madness and mayhem upon HER, how is she going to protect herself, or anyone else?

She loses. There is no middle ground.

Short of deadly force, anyone who faces me either dies, or suffers permanent debilitating injury. There is no middle ground. And heaven forbid I should get my hands on a pair of sticks, or a tree branch. That just ups the ante.

How do you stop me before I have killed a bunch of innocent people?
Actually I wasn't going there, but that a good point!
I was thinking more of the future of guns. If guns could have an embedded Operating System that controls the safety... would they be more safe?
maybe, but I know people would still try to hackem...
I also know there will always be a plethera of older generation guns that still exist in 30 years.
booman said:
Actually I wasn't going there, but that a good point!
I was thinking more of the future of guns. If guns could have an embedded Operating System that controls the safety... would they be more safe?
maybe, but I know people would still try to hackem...
I also know there will always be a plethera of older generation guns that still exist in 30 years.

If there are things we can do to prevent the weapons from being used by those who have no business or right with them, then by all means, let's do those things. We have a responsibility to the innocents. Myself, I rather like the 'dna coding' concept used with the Lawgiver weapons of the Judges, but I think we are still a ways away from that capability.
We need not be at odds over this, but here is my advocacy:

That we understand that we send our kids out everyday into a dangerous world. That we send them unarmed. That they go in innocence and with the courage of lions.
That if we raise them aright they will teach what we once knew. How to out into a dangerous world unarmed and unafraid.

What this approach might heal is beyond our dreams of peace.

What this approach can't properly contain, we put young fearless men and women into the uniforms of their states and countries and change them with our safety.

When I left the martial arts it was with the simple understanding that there is no self defense. There is no defense against this world. There is only fate and destiny.

Our fate is the world we are born into. Our Destiny is what we are to make of it. You will die, I will die all who share this world with us will die. The only thing in question is how we will live together in this world of pain and sorrows.

My first Teacher in the martial arts posed this question at a black belt promotion.

"What is the best self defense?

He got several answers, to run away, to strike first, but clearly none had what he was looking for.

Then he told us. "Warm eyes. To see this world with warm eyes."

Will this avert all danger? Nothing averts all danger. Will this increase my chances of survival? Noting increases your chances of survival as you have no chance to survive this world.

We are on our way out when we arrive.
Daniel~ said:
Then he told us. "Warm eyes. To see this world with warm eyes."

I come at this from a slightly different angle, but it's the same basic idea.

If I find myself in a situation where I have to fight to defend myself, I've already made a grievous error. I should never have found myself in that situation to start with.

I've yet to find a situation that violence can't make worse.
Thanks Daniel, you input is always profound and interesting.
Did your Teacher ever explain what "Warm eyes" meant?

I try to educate my family and teach them to avoid obvious dangers... walking alone at night, driving by yourself without a phone, seatbelts, predators, etc etc.
There is no way we can protect ourselves from everything.
My best protection for my family is prayer. While I am at work there is nothing I can do to control what happens to them, but I can pray and know Christ will be with them. Even if they die, I know they go to be with Him.
Another way to say this would be to see this world with loving eyes. To see your fellows as your friends and to greet them with open arms.
ok, that makes sense.
If only it were possible...
We are so quick to judge and put people in a category instead of seeing them all the same.
Its interesting because when I'm helping people with their computers I automatically see them all the same.
In that scenario its easy... I'm there to help and serve
But when people are critical and pushy I immediately go into "defense" mode and shut them out.
We hear it so often we pass over it, but nothing opens the heart and mind like "Walking mile in another mans shoes."
Totally agree!
There have been times when I was bitter and angry at life watching everyone else prosper and forget that other people have it much worse than I do.
Pride always gets in the way, but when we are forced to be humble our eyes are opened
One of my very favorites:
Tis a gift to be simple
tis a gift to be free
tis agift to come down to where we ought to be.