Everyone wants to go to Mars...Why?
Best case , Mars is truly dead. Worst case Mars lives.
If we go anywhere but home (in terms of living planets) We are going to die.
Have you seen what happens to the unwary in the Amazon?
Mind you the Amazon is our HOME planet.
And it's got sixty million ways to kill us. Big Green men we might be able to cope with.
Teny tiny green men will have us for lunch!
I have yet to hear any of the "Lets go to Mars crowd" explain how we could possibly cope with a
A living planet not our own.
H.G. Wells brought this up rather early in his novel "War of the worlds."
Mars kicks our asses. The Earth's Microbes kicks Mars's ass.
On our planet and by extension any living planet has spent several billion years honing her defenses, If you aren't a part of that defense system your dead meat.
Think Amazon.
Just a guess but where planets are concerned I think it's a "If you weren't born here your lunch!
And that can be said to be the good outcome.
The bad one? That's where we find paradise and our bad breath wipes it out in no time.
A religious person might speculate that God put all that distance between us and the next planet for a reason. He may have wanted us to go on living.
So unless your very very religious and think all planets that live, live in exactly the same way...best to stay home.
But we're bored with Earth! We want new worlds!!
Then do the sensible thing and make them!
Find a nice high end Asteroid belt! It has far less chance of killing us with microbes, still a chance, but far less.
We wouldn't have to mine as we do on Earth or would have to on Mars.
Mars like most planets has weather, a climate of sorts.It's so much like our own that bit will kill us in under three minutes.
Who needs Mars's storms? It rather quite out in the Asteroid belt where you can scoop up just about any kinda rock you value.
sure space is a hazardous environment, but it's a stable one, Mars is not.
What ever can be found on Mars can be found in space as a general assumption.
Do we really believe that we can inhabit Mars, supply those we put there with regular missions and never send back a single plague? Never start a plague on Mars.
Then we are just being silly.
What dose Mars offer us that an Asteroid belt and a very large as in the the size of small state in America colony ship? This IS a much better plan.
1. No microbes
2 No weather or storms.
3. An abundance of resources just floating about waiting for us to turn it into habitat,
4. Constant solar power.
5. we would have to overcome only our own gravity to come and go.
6.Far less chance of contamination.
7.If the Big One is headed straight for us...we can move.
8. If things go wrong when coming and going there's good chance we would just float about rather than crashing into Mars or Earth.
9.We would not have to face the wrath of aliens and their ray guns.
10. Cotton Candy in space is bound to be more fun that K rations on mars.
I got stuck on- 9 and 10
11. Space is near infinite, we will never run out of it. No rent to pay. and we have a near infinite Dump for all our garbage, just mail it to the Sun and forget about.
12. We can be in Earth Orbit one day and in Alpha Sentory orbit in 125 light years
I mention this to point out that at least for now.."In space there is no where for us to go."
13 space is the destination. Planets are dangerous and unmanageable, doing whatever they please.
14 space has no agenda. few rules to learn,no competing goals. A living planet has tens of thousands, nay millions of competing goals.
So please let's stop kidding ourselves. This is no planet just awaiting our arrival.
There is no lving planet that we would not have to annihilate every thing that lives there for us to live there. Then what would be the point of living there?
I think all of this falls under the category of "Things you can tell just by looking. ":O}
So why isn't anyone but me looking? ":O}
Best case , Mars is truly dead. Worst case Mars lives.
If we go anywhere but home (in terms of living planets) We are going to die.
Have you seen what happens to the unwary in the Amazon?
Mind you the Amazon is our HOME planet.
And it's got sixty million ways to kill us. Big Green men we might be able to cope with.
Teny tiny green men will have us for lunch!
I have yet to hear any of the "Lets go to Mars crowd" explain how we could possibly cope with a
A living planet not our own.
H.G. Wells brought this up rather early in his novel "War of the worlds."
Mars kicks our asses. The Earth's Microbes kicks Mars's ass.
On our planet and by extension any living planet has spent several billion years honing her defenses, If you aren't a part of that defense system your dead meat.
Think Amazon.
Just a guess but where planets are concerned I think it's a "If you weren't born here your lunch!
And that can be said to be the good outcome.
The bad one? That's where we find paradise and our bad breath wipes it out in no time.
A religious person might speculate that God put all that distance between us and the next planet for a reason. He may have wanted us to go on living.
So unless your very very religious and think all planets that live, live in exactly the same way...best to stay home.
But we're bored with Earth! We want new worlds!!
Then do the sensible thing and make them!
Find a nice high end Asteroid belt! It has far less chance of killing us with microbes, still a chance, but far less.
We wouldn't have to mine as we do on Earth or would have to on Mars.
Mars like most planets has weather, a climate of sorts.It's so much like our own that bit will kill us in under three minutes.
Who needs Mars's storms? It rather quite out in the Asteroid belt where you can scoop up just about any kinda rock you value.
sure space is a hazardous environment, but it's a stable one, Mars is not.
What ever can be found on Mars can be found in space as a general assumption.
Do we really believe that we can inhabit Mars, supply those we put there with regular missions and never send back a single plague? Never start a plague on Mars.
Then we are just being silly.
What dose Mars offer us that an Asteroid belt and a very large as in the the size of small state in America colony ship? This IS a much better plan.
1. No microbes
2 No weather or storms.
3. An abundance of resources just floating about waiting for us to turn it into habitat,
4. Constant solar power.
5. we would have to overcome only our own gravity to come and go.
6.Far less chance of contamination.
7.If the Big One is headed straight for us...we can move.
8. If things go wrong when coming and going there's good chance we would just float about rather than crashing into Mars or Earth.
9.We would not have to face the wrath of aliens and their ray guns.
10. Cotton Candy in space is bound to be more fun that K rations on mars.
I got stuck on- 9 and 10
11. Space is near infinite, we will never run out of it. No rent to pay. and we have a near infinite Dump for all our garbage, just mail it to the Sun and forget about.
12. We can be in Earth Orbit one day and in Alpha Sentory orbit in 125 light years
I mention this to point out that at least for now.."In space there is no where for us to go."
13 space is the destination. Planets are dangerous and unmanageable, doing whatever they please.
14 space has no agenda. few rules to learn,no competing goals. A living planet has tens of thousands, nay millions of competing goals.
So please let's stop kidding ourselves. This is no planet just awaiting our arrival.
There is no lving planet that we would not have to annihilate every thing that lives there for us to live there. Then what would be the point of living there?
I think all of this falls under the category of "Things you can tell just by looking. ":O}
So why isn't anyone but me looking? ":O}