Memoria - GOG version


Well-Known Member
I wanted to do a guide for this game, but I can't get it working when using a 32-bit wine version in PlayOnLinux. I don't know if this could be related to some recent changes in Arch. Anyone who is checking the PlayOnLinux forums may have noticed that 64-bit Arch Linux users with PulseAudio can no longer use PlayOnLinux with the new PulseAudio version 5.0, it just crashes.

There are two workarounds discovered so far. One is to simply make a .asoundrc to prevent Pulse from grabbing the hardware so that Alsa using applications can output directly without going through Pulse. The other method is to actually use 64-bit wine versions in PlayOnLinux.

In any case, I get this game working great on a 64-bit wine version, but no luck on 32-bit. I was curious if anyone else here have the game and would be willing to test it. I get it working with no libraries.

I do set up the virtual drive first, using wine version 1.7.13. Then I copy the installer files into the virtual drive and make a shortcut to the installer in PoL. I add the argument /nogui to the shortcut. Running the gog installer normally result in an unresponsive window at the end of the installation. The installation is done at that point and can be safely killed and the game will be installed, but the /nogui method avoids that issue.