Memory configuration and power resources in a Dell XE2 SFF tower ( pcie)


I just a few days ago got a Dell Optiplex Xe2. Heres the specs:

I5 4570s w 8gb ram (4slots)
500gb hdd, 500gb nvme
Dell ITX workstation division mobo (pcie, Q87)
10 usb, 2 dport (intel hd4600), 1vga, serial, ps2, gigabit
And my rx580

I will be getting a 32gb kit of ram however.

I am going too be using this machine partially to develop a linux distro, and partially to run my streams via obs and udp.

When I plug my rx580 in and the machine has 16gb of ram thats ecc, it boots if the gpu is unpowered. If the gpu has power, it bitches about ram config. This tells me A ecc works, B theres some bs licensing or tiering here because this machine has so much capability, its been purposely put down 2 pegs, and 3, that this is the perfect toy for a thread here.

I'm working these days, but as I toy with this box and build my stuff I want to document things. Have some things be available to the public right off the bat before I document the machine like a madman.

Got the ram kit, but now its giving me gpu weirdness. Not sure what to maxe of it, need to fiddle some more. The machine is acting like it can't uso gpu's that accept e ternal power, but that doesn't maxe sense to me.
Ok I have an update to this.

I have since upgraded to 32GB of ram, and in turn, have learned this is a mobile chip on a desktop socket hooked up to a desktop chipset. Its not undervolted, if anything its overclocked. 3.8GHz boost from 3.2, I'd say thats stonks.

I have yet to open the machine right now and fiddle with drives, but to not understate the work being put into this, I have shelled the motherboard from its case and put it into a Raidmax V Tornado case I had laying around. I got this case specifically so I could cut it up for projects like this, and I did.

The machine itself has its ram maxed out and topped out clock wise, 32GB @ 1677mhz, has all the sata slots filled, has the PCIe SSD on the X16, and, now, has my RX580 replaced with an R9 290.

Again, this is a mobile Die. If it was a desktop Die, then I wouldn't have any limitations around VRam paging space. However, because this is a 4k series intel die, which is really a 3k series die in mobile land, which is an update to the 2k chips, which itself was a core 2 duo with better cache, which was a pentium M, which is a pentium 3. In all seriousness, the most of this chips lineage is in the mobile space, which puts a large damper on the amount of vram you can have. This is not always the case, as moving from an S series processor would fix this, however I want to run this thing at max crank the entire time its in use, and I want low heat and low power. Running a 35 watt part at 65 watts is already stupid, but running at full crank with all flash storage and the fastest GPU I can.... I think it'll work as a stream processor now. I think..

Now I just need to standardize my installs.