Mint 19.2


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Screenshot from 2019-08-05 10-25-40.png
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I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.
Of my 6 PCs running Mint there are still a mix of Mint 19 and Mint 18.3
Two of them just need a fresh installation, but there are a LOT of games and saves I will have to restore.
Kind of a pain, but totally necessary for the LAN parties.

Not to mention 2 of them were dual boot 1 Terabyte drives and I merged the windows partition into the Linux one... now they boot really really REALLY slow.
No complaints here. Yet this is by far the smallest update I've seen from them. took no more time than an update.
Updates in Mint are awesome!
I have a few neglected computers that need updates and it may take 30-40 minutes, but that is because of kernel and header updates.
This update requires a re-boot, So some who are less technically adept may want to wait.":O}