My E-mail has disowned me!


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
Without so much as a move on my part, Centurylink has stopped sending me my email.No changes in months on my end..

Should I try and wait them out, or start bitching right away
Screenshot from 2020-03-09 16-28-46.png
? ":O}
Try signing in online first, just to be sure nothing is broken with your email account:

If all your emails are there, then something must be up with Thunderbird. You may have to remove and re-add your CenturyLink email to Thunderbird again.
My message reads:
"Sending of username did not succeed. Mail server responded: internal server error"

I'll try and see what's up online Thank you.
Centurylink is useless. They don't know me never heard of me and anyone who might help me are 9 to 5. I'll try tomorrow
Did the webmail work as a temporary workaround?

Here are the POP/SMTP settings:


Incoming ServerPOP:, Port:995, Security:SSL
IMAP:, Port:993, Security:SSL

Outgoing Server

SMTP:, Port 587 TLS if available


Full Email Address

You can always try IMAP IMAP Server

IMAP port

IMAP security

IMAP username
Your full email address

IMAP password
Your password SMTP Server

SMTP port

SMTP security

SMTP username
Your full email address

SMTP password
Your password
Yes, but if any of their POP/SMTP settings have changed, then it wouldn't know you.
Well that was easy. I talked to 15 agents, tried the same thing a dozen times and then they fixed what they broke. only took for 1 pm to 9 pm. only had to start all over again 7 times.

Don't mind me I'm frazzled! LOL

They ban me for spamming. I told them I didn't spam they said Ok and spent half a day un spamming banning me.
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Century Link is the very bestest local Telco there is. $~75 per month for a landline from them. $90 per month for allegedly 100 Mbps Down and 6.5 Mbps Up from my only available cable provider. Such a deal!!!

They banned you for spamming? How in heck does a private party do that?
Judging from the message I received when it went tits up, I think their server screwed up and they were just bull shiting me.A half a day to reverse a ban?

How many do they ban a day? Then reversing it just because I said I wasn't a spmmer??
What the??? SPAMMING?
Was your email hi-jacked or something?
You may want to change your password immediately.

Sorry you had to go through all of that with support. Once every 10 years isn't bad. ;)
If it was Hijacked, it was hijacked from the Server/ And your right once in 10 years aint bad at all.