MY Fonts SUCK!


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
Where can I get better ones and how do I install them!!

Many thanks to our first responders...

Yes my fonts look that bad.!
Dunno if this will help, but here:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

That should install some of the MS true-type fonts, which a lot of applications seem to want.
Thanks, they installed successfully! Not sure if I do anything else?
Faded letters seem not in evidence...":O}
Mint fonts go here:

That is where the user fonts go for programs.
I don't know how to change the system fonts for Cinnamon, but there should be a way to do it.
I would have to look it up...
We have: font settings" in "system settings."

Not to happy with any of them. MS font didn't show up there though.
So I'm at a loss as to how to move forward.
did you try downloading some fonts and putting them in the .fonts directory?
also, try downloading a theme or two. maybe they have new fonts installed so you can change them.
Basically all I've done is follow
gizmo's lead by downloading with terminal.
oh I see....
You could try downloading some fonts you like from here:

I recommend simple fonts for Linux
  • Click download
  • Righ-click the Zip
  • Click "Extract Here"
  • Move the font to your .fonts folder
Then see if that font is available in your Linux settings or not.
If not, try rebooting then looking again.
Daniel, you have to configure the fonts and update the cache after installation. This is how I do it on Debian-esen:

will show you all the installed fonts.

You can reconfigure the font rendering with [one at a time, as root]:
dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config

dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig

Then, update the font cache with [as root]:
fc-cache -fv

You may also need to logoff/logon as well.

This is a link to some info from the Mint forum, it might be helpful:
Many thanks TR and friends":O}

Seemed to go well, carried out your instructions then followed your link and through in the MS Fonts instructions given at the end. Still have some faint letters that look like a old typewriter whose key isn't being hit hard enough.
Do I select MS fonts in The "Fonts" section of "System Settings"?

/root/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: succeeded
daniel-Sabertooth-Mint-18-DaVoid daniel # sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
ttf-mscorefonts-installer is already the newest version (3.4+nmu1ubuntu2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 99 not upgraded.
daniel-Sabertooth-Mint-18-DaVoid daniel #
Ah, I think I know what's going on here.

Dan, in your Fonts settings, there should be an option titled 'antialiasing'. Make sure that is set to 'Rbga'
Ah, I think I know what's going on here.

Dan, in your Fonts settings, there should be an option titled 'antialiasing'. Make sure that is set to 'Rbga'
My settings as I found them:

(I'll check and see if MS fonts have been added to my font options.)

MS fonts still not present in my font settings folder...sigh


  • Screenshot from 2016-08-10 17-42-20.png
    Screenshot from 2016-08-10 17-42-20.png
    85 KB · Views: 1,014
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Sorry that you're having font problems, Daniel~.
Not helpful, apologies. If the floppies still work (which is nearly a moot point. How the heck can you read floppies nowadays?) I had some outrageously cool fonts that looked like ?Hindi and Tibetan script, but in English. They were MS compatible but I don't think they were from MS. Miss 'em.
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Sorry I haven't been around the last few days! Lots more pain than I'm use to, so lots more pain relievers, so lots less posting as the pain relievers are not all that effective at times.
feeling a bit better today though!! ":O}

I ran a search of home and of "all files" nothing turned up...sigh...
I'll look into the Article/guide when I'm feeling a bit more up to it. Many thanks one and all!! ":O}