No Cd


After a long while I have decided to install Homeworld PC Game again. I have not had it on Linux Mint 16 before. I did the same install as on Mint 15, at least I think I did. The game installs fine but I get "invalid or no cd". Any Ideas?
Did you install it using a CD or was it a digital download?
If it was a physical copy usually a no-cd crack solves this kind of problem.
I made some progress. Homeworld Cataclysm is about the same as Homeworld. Both exhibit the same behavior. Cataclysm now runs with an update patch and a nocd.exe. Cataclysm runs good, but some odd return to desktop behavior in non windowed and windowed mode. Maybe, this problem has something to do with wine drive mapping?
Rolanttg, unfortunatly I can't help but a nephew of mine owns both Homeworld and Homeworld 2 and he agreed to lend me the games so I can test them on my system.
To tell you the truth I had never heard of them before but checking on the net to understand what you were talking about has made me interested to see how they work.
So hopefully tomorrow evening (Central European Time) I'll be able to report if they run or not on my PC.
Check your Wine Configuration.
  1. Launch PlayOnLinux
  2. Click Configure
  3. Select Wine Tab
  4. Click Wine Configuration
  5. Select Drives Tab
  6. "D" drive should be your CD-ROM
  7. Path should be: /media/username/CDname
  8. Type should be: CD ROM
You can always just navigate to /media and then double-click your username to find the mounted drive and its name
Thank you booman! I found that earlier today. Messed around with it and got StarCraft running that way. I don't remember having to do that with earlier software. Your steps should keep me out of trouble.
Thank you booman! I found that earlier today. Messed around with it and got StarCraft running that way. I don't remember having to do that with earlier software. Your steps should keep me out of trouble.
Mint has a strange issue with Wine and unmounting a CD Rom.
So if you don't right-click and unmount that drive, it will have a problem with the next CD Rom
So then you have to go into Wine and enter the path
When Mint 16 was first released, I could not completely transfer files from an USB to HD . I think I used Dolphin ? file manager to do it. I believe an update fixed this but maybe caused my current problem.
Rolandttq, I am glad you managed to get the game working.
I was able to do the same but I was not successful with Homeworld 2, which always crashes at the start.

Personally I never played space RTS games, so maybe it's about time to start, as soon as I finish the games I am playing at the moment.

A couple of months ago I bought on Steam Strike Suit Zero and the three game of the X3 series, but I haven't tried them yet.
They are described as space combat simulators, so I am wondering if the gameplay (and the learning curve) is somewhat similar to Homeworld.
When Mint 16 was first released, I could not completely transfer files from an USB to HD . I think I used Dolphin ? file manager to do it. I believe an update fixed this but maybe caused my current problem.
I had this problem too when copying files from my Fedora Server in Mint 14.
There is a thread on Mint forums all about it. Seems to be a common problem with "nemo" windows manager.
Recently I copied all of Rage from Fedora which is 21Gigs. I didn't have any problems at all.
So I still havn't figured out where it comes from and why...