Playing League of Legends Help with FPS


New Member
Hey Guys,

I recently have returned to the FLOSS world and decided to give wine a try. Needless to say, 5 years ago there was no such thing as PlayOnLinux, and steam wasn't even relatively a thing. I'm really excited to see the progress.

I currently have League of Legends installed and running as of LoL 4.10. I played a bot game and it didn't crash. Woot! Now if I'm going to trust this rig when I go into ranked I need help bumping up my FPS and preventing serious drops in frame rate. As it stands right now, my frame rate will peak well above 50, but the problem is consistency. How can I stop dropping frames?

Before you start reccommending simple things, let me answer some simple questions:
I installed the game by following this guide, pretty much to the T, except, screw unity and ubuntu:

I'm running ElementaryOS.
I used PlayOnLinux and Tuxlol to get the game installed, as noted in the guide.
I am using proprietary drivers on my Nvidia card.
I've already dropped all the in-game settings to their minimums.
I run the game on the same resolution as my Linux desktop, but I'm not emulating a WINE desktop.
I run the game in full screen mode.

Here are my questions:

Are there common League-Specific tweaks?
Are there any things you guys need from me about my system for you to help? (If yes, what and how do I find that information on my system?)
Are there common wine .dll files that I should be replacing with real windows .dlls?
Are there Wine settings that I'm missing? Compatibility modes, registry entries, process priority?
Wow really good questions.
I am not familiar with Elementary OS, so I'm not sure what services/processes can be eating up your processing.
What Nvidia card do you have?
I have a GeForce 550 Ti and it runs League of Legends without any frame rate drops. Smooth as can be!

One thing you could try is Openbox desktop environemnt. I use it with games that just run slower. I removes most of the desktop eyecandy and functionality. Kinda like a safe-mode.
Most games will gain an extra 5-10 frames per second.
Glad to get a response!
I'm running a Geforce GTX 560 M (2gb).
I'm now off ElementaryOS, since I think their home brew environment may have been causing the issues, I'm now on a variant of Lubuntu (peppermint). It runs really well, is much more stable, and it's pretty light weight. I'll try getting some numbers out of the system tonight when I get it firing on all cylinders again.
I've used Peppermint a few times just as a live disc. I think its really great and has a lot of potential.
Yes, please let me know what you think of it!
Ok, so the results are in. LXDE (w/ open box)is much better for League's performance, but I'm still seeing frame rate instability. Peaks well above 100, but sits around 50 with common dips below 30. I noticed I had better performance with the sound disabled, but as my game dragged on the frame rate slowly came back to 50. Thoughts?

Also, I have the out of game store bug that crashes the client, I thought Wine had been patched to fix that?

Post game my client gets cropped to a 1024x768 box, so I'm unable to actually see the chat area on the right hand side of the client.

I'm running the Wine config in windows 7 mode.

Last but not least I'm only seeing a few Library listed in the override Wine Config: msvcr80 (native, builtin
), msvcr90 (native, builtin), and wininet (native, builtin). I see that other people have made other overrides in the past, but maybe most of that is out dated?

Ultimately, League is not playable, but I wouldn't go onto ranked yet.

Thanks in advance!
Woops, quick edit, I found that resizing the client window refreshes the page and I can see the chat edge again.

I suppose it also goes without saying that I'm using 1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 (should be most recent).

PeppermintOS 5 (based on lubuntu 14.04)

Gonna try installing the most recent Nvidia Driver, (337) and replacing the 331 version that's in the ubuntu repo.
Alright. I threw a beta Driver from the Nvidia Site (340.17) I now have much better frame rates, consistently above 60 now. Still running on minimum settings etc. and Sound still hurts my performance as well.

I'm amazed. 4 years ago I was trying to migrate to Linux and ended up back on Windows because of driver problems and lack of compatability. Today, I'm about 1 week away from erasing my dual boot, and turning it into a VM. Should I post a walk through of everything I did to get to this point?
Awesome! Sounds like you know what you are doing. ;)
I have read many times that audio can affect performance in games due to Alsa or Pulseaudio. Probably Pulseaudio.
There are ways to force PlayOnLinux and Wine to use Alsa only, but it won't allow you to share audio with other processes while playing a game.

The Store crash is a common problem. You have applied the Tuxlol that fixes the mipmap problems in the store, but if there is League of Legends update, you have to apply it again.
Hey, Just an update, today's patch caused a little issue when I tried to run the software, I fixed by using an XP compatibility mode and having it capture the mouse in full screen.
Thank you for the warning.
What were the symptoms after the update?
The launcher wouldn't start up at all.

If I wrote a guide, would you mind if I took some bits from your guide? I'm currently working on trying to get it to work on other distributions like Built on Arch, .RPM distributions (OpenSuse, Fedora, CentOS, and Mageia), and one for .Deb distributions (Ubuntu, Mint and their many many children).
The launcher wouldn't start up at all.

If I wrote a guide, would you mind if I took some bits from your guide? I'm currently working on trying to get it to work on other distributions like Built on Arch, .RPM distributions (OpenSuse, Fedora, CentOS, and Mageia), and one for .Deb distributions (Ubuntu, Mint and their many many children).
Sure, do you think you can link back to us as well?

So League of Legends isn't working at all for you?
I havn't tried it in a while. I have upgraded to Mint 17 since the last time I have updated this guide.
So I'm sure there have been patches and updates to LoL.
Oh, No I resolved the issues I was having by simply making the changes I wrote before. The symptoms were that the launcher simply failed. I thought that Mint 17 was built off Ubuntu 14.04 which is what I'm on, but I may be wrong.

I'd be fine with actually posting the tutorial on this site. I frequent reddit more often, and since that is where the big league of legends community is, I'd probably post links there on the /r/LeagueofLegends and /r/Linux_Gaming subreddits. The Ubuntu, Mint, and Arch Forums are pretty big too, so I'd put links on those as well. Naturally, since my personal goal is to get a pretty thorough guide for the big distributions, this will take some time before anything comes out.
Great! Feel free to post the guide here in our PlayOnLinux forum and I'll move it to the Guides forum.
If it is going to be in parts (say for each distro) please title each post accordingly and I'll get them moved to the Guides forum.
The more guide the better!
I would love it if you followed our structure as well, but it doesn't have to be exactly like mine.
Let me know if you need any help.
I'll have to go an download League of Legends again, but its worth it.
I will do my best. So, it looks like something changed in the out of game store over the weekend that prevents it from opening again. Is there anything I can do to help? I'm looking at it, and playing with it. I have a debug read out, and I had a bug report file, but I don't know where it saved atm. I can also give details to whoever needs them.
The PlayOnLinux debug is the best resource for finding errors.
The Store crashing is very common... it always happened to me. Did you try Tuxlol patch?
Follow the instructions carefully and it should fix the store.
The only thing is you have to keep applying it League of Legends gets updated.