[PoL]Civilization 3 fullscreen?


Hey guys,

since yesterday, I have successfully installed Civilization 3 Complete (Steam version) via PoL.
Everything works quite well besides one thing.

Starting Civ 3 in a virtual desktop with my native resolution the game won't start properly.
Only if I change the virtual resolution to 1024x768 the game will run.
But this is not how I want to play the game. May you know, how I can run Civ 3 in fullscreen mode without having issues?

Edit: I have just forgotten to give you some input:
GPU: Intel HD 3000 with latest Intel driver
Wineversion: 1.7.55
Normally I set the virtual drive to 1024x768, then set the game resolution in-game
The virtual desktop should re-size accordingly
This doesn't work for all games, but most of them will.