Recommending two indy games


New Member
Hi guys,

I still have this open from when I got some help with Skyrim, so thought I would point out two games I am enjoying on Linux via Steam.

1) Out of Reach
This game is Early Access and is having a bit of trouble getting traction. However, it has the potential to gain a niche much like EVE. If you have played EVE, it is like having one system with POSes and blasting each other's bases without anywhere absolutely safe to dock up.
There is no skill points for PVP, so it is always about your gear and your player skill. The "best" armour is not always best for a fight. Armour is situational.

2) Project Zomboid
At first glance, the 2D graphics with 3rd person view puts a lot of people off. However! This is a big HOWEVER! The game is strangely engrossing, with a very ambient sound track and so many things you can and need to do in order to survive. The mechanics are deep and getting deeper all the time. Hit this learning curve while it is a low hill and grab some friends so you can try the new co-operative host for friends only game option.
Warning: You are not the hero in this story, you need to survive, not kill zombies left and right.

Hope you enjoy, will try remember to check back here if you have any questions.
I haven't heard of Out of Reach, but I've been following Project Zomboid for a few years on
The project has gone through a lot of changes and its going to be an amazing game when they are done.
I definitely plan on buying it and playing with a friend.
Did you know the same developers made Survival Crisis?

Path Of Exile.

It is free, and I mean, fully free, the only microtransactions that are in-game are fluffy social and decoration stuff (I bought some tbh because they totally deserve the income), works incredibly well on PlayOnLinux, have some incredible graphics and awesome fast action gameplay. POE truly shows that a game can be GOOD and FREE at the same time, definetly not one of those "F2P" or P2W games, it is the granite of solid rock indie/free games.

Booman did a nice guide for it:
Yeah, Path Of Exile is amazing! My wife and I played through the entire campaign and expansion pack. we Loved it!
Many times it ran better in PlayOnLinux than Windows 8. She was experiencing a few crashes, but nothing for me :cool:
I still can't believe how polished, professional and beautiful Path of Exile is and still FREE
It launches the game faster using my PlayOnLinux set-up than in win7, on the very same computer!

Either way the game loads the areas ultra fast and the server ping is incredibly low (I'm around 30-60 most of the time).

I think they have like... 14m players or something which is crazy.

They've recently started a new season, so maybe its a good chance to jump in, or return ;)
Awesome! That is so nice to hear.
Yeah, if they add more content, we will get back into it.
My browser is a terror. Far too many windows and tabs. :D

I forgot to mention that both OOR and PZ are native to Linux via Steam

I have been playing Wurm Online, CS:GO and 7 Days lately.

... almost a whole year since I joined these forums :o