ps -eo pid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu
What temps are you use to seeing? Is your Cpu running at 100% when it should be idle?Aah, that backup I still don't do. My proc is running at 32C, with a mainboard temperature of 28C.
Think I updated my kernel recently, too.
WTF? It's MS updates that wreak havoc. I wonder if anyone complained about this kernel update?
You should be able to see what processes are using so much of your cpu. I don't use any graphical system monitor tool myself, but you can check with htop in a terminal, or just use the following command to get the top cpu usage processes:
Code:ps -eo pid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu
It will list the 9 most CPU intensive processes on your system. That should help you identify the culprit here, so you might not need to restore a backup or such.
What temps are you use to seeing? Is your Cpu running at 100% when it should be idle?
What size is your current hard drive?