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Such an honest citizen. Zuckerberg says: What? Who, me?

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by cloasters, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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  2. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    What else should we expect from a guy that stole facebook from his collage roommates?
  3. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Greed is proven to be more important than any concept of fair play. Again. As I sit and watch all honor (on a national scale) fall into the past. Welcome to 2018. Very happy to remember that WE are better than that putrid concept!
  4. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Honor has only seldom walked the halls of power. If one wants what they want, then and only then is all lost.

    They live in world far apart from the Sacred world ever being born into the now. What they hold high comes always to nothing. An endless retreat into barbarity and shame.

    What saves us their wrath is that they cannot grasp a sacred world is always here always now.

    There is nothing they want in the sacred world.

    No one is famous. No one is rich, no one is jealous or hateful in the sacred world.

    Sacrifice opens the only door the allows the holy to enter and change what is in need of change.

    Personal sacrifice...

    Here's what trumpeet had to say when asked if he felt he'd made sacrifices.

    "Sure, I made a lot of money, own a bunch of hotels and golf courses."

    He is totally blind to the concept of giving without expectation of gain.

    "They" have always ruled the profane world. Always held Good men in check and prevented the Good they would do.

    But this cannot harm the sacred world. Just as they cannot harm the divine they do not see.

    "Have no fear of atomic energy cause none of them can stop the Time...
    How long will they kill our prophets while we stand about and look"?
    Bob Marley

    To which I say:
    It may be long, but long is not forever Bob.
    A new sun rises every day. A new moon guides us though each night.
    Every day and every night affords us the opportunity to rise above until we are standing in the light.

    Don't miss the chance to commune with the light and shine though the long night .

    Trust me the alternative is rather hellish.
  5. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Thank you for the post, it's a great one.
    The alternative is purely hellish. Whether arrived at through "weakness" or "strength" it's a painful way to live.
  6. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    I grieve to see this world a blaze as much as any.
    To see inferior men perverting the law to their corrupted will.


    Every one of our world teachers was born into the worst of times. Each lit a light that would not shine until long after they had past on.

    Yet after a time they DID shine and will shine on until an end comes to mans time here.

    We stand now together at what appears to be the end of our world. Each of the great teachers of mankind stood where we stand now.

    Each in their own way turned their back to this world. Opened a door to a higher plane and stepped though it.
    Leaving behind only their teachings.

    Those teachings are an invitation to join them. Each one of them in this way striving to save all that can be saved.

    "That which you are seeking is seeking you."

    Our fore fathers and mothers knew hells we cannot imagine.
    Some having no inner light to guide them became demons in their time here.

    But most strive to put away their anger, not to pass on their pain, but shelter those near them from their innermost fears and sorrows. We put on a happy face in the face of a snarling world.

    We are trapped none the less in Samsara. (The realm of intelligent beings.)
    This is the Moral plane where good and evil fight for the souls of men.

    Evil offers all the pleasures of this world, but at a price, take the offer and you will never love again. Your best efforts will only churn lust in your heart. You cannot forsake mankind and live life as a whole man or woman.

    Against all the pleasures of this world stand the sages who would limit those pleasures and confine them within
    "What is right"

    So..What is right?

    The truth is written upon your hearts"
    (J.C and his first responders.)

    The sages are only trying to teach us to read what is written there.
    Trust me they are not made happy to simply hear their words repeated.
    They want us to read the text and know it whole and complete.

    They seek though their teachings to help us rise above that snarling face of a world
    that simply does not love us.
    But what is more they tell us how to sooth that savage beast within us that carries our spirits upon his unwilling back.

    Our lower natures want us in charge as little as a wild horse welcomes her first rider.

    To tame is not to suppress, suppression only breads rebellion and violence.

    To tame one must first understand the forces involved.

    Understand the justifiable fear of that which you seek to tame. Alleviate that fear and for this, the horse will love you. For all creatures hate fear.

    This applies to the deepest realms of our own beings. We must approach ourselves and our fellows in love that takes away all fear within and without. Then we can safely hope for some success.

    But how can we make such a enormous transition? How can we be fearless?

    The answer is simple, but indeed not easy.

    "Once a man has learned within his heart what true fear and trembling means, all other terrors glance off him harmlessly."

    Here is the fear that should inform all men's hearts.

    That we should offend against the Great Maker simply to get along and belong.

    That we fail to read the truth that was written there to guide and support us us in all our endeavors.

    "The original nature of man is Good. But it becomes clouded by contact with Earthly things and needs purification before it can shine forth once more in it's native clarity

    This "purification" is undertaken by strict and continuous self examination least we harbor any secret opposition to the will of of God."


    Without exception the sages truly believe that we each have our truth within us. Hand made by one who cared enough to make each of us different so we might recognize our need of brotherhood.
    Might learn from our differences how to better read our own hearts.

    Just an intuition, But I think God knew it would be no easy thing to bring an ape to dine with angels. But how else to elevate the Ape or give expression to the angel?

    So never ask how much you owe as it is more than you could ever pay.
    Simply join in the feast and try to bring a friend to the table with you. ":O}

    I spent the first 20 years of my solitude begging the heavens for something, anything to do.
    I simply would not look upon the obvious. I wanted a task outside myself, a means of making a contribution. A way to prove myself to the world.

    Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a vocation. Most of us find fulfillment if we answer properly to our calling. I mean everybody else seemed to have something to occupy their time.

    Twenty years before it occurred to me to start looking at myself.

    An American Guru once observed in a talk that as we start out in life it rapidly becomes apparent that we each have our strengths and weaknesses. As people love strength and hate weakness we turn our attention to our strengths and work diligently to improve what we are best at.

    For a time we make can make real progress. But usually sooner than later we hit a wall.

    Like a batter that can't hit a curve ball. We meet our limitation face to face. And it shames us. our weakness shames us and we wish to look away to look again upon our strength and take comfort in what we can do.

    But now we know our strength has a weakness.

    This moment confronts every man who ever lived, again and again as we move though our lives.

    "Do I retreat into the false comfort of my strength or do I except the demotion and begin work upon what was remedial, but left undone for to long?

    It is very difficult to turn away from the outer world and give one's whole attention to removing ones faults.
    But this is the work that brings improvement and can over come even a cure ball."
  7. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I can't give your preceding post (number six) enough praise.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
  8. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    But will you give up your life, your comfort, to gain your freedom?

    I know it seems craven to meet your praise with a challenge, just bear in mind that the challenge comes from within you and I did not put it there.":O}

    There is not a single other person on this earth that will ever know weather you advance or retreat.

    You will not move closer or further from me either way. This this strictly between you and your maker.

    But if you advance do not fear,

    "That which you are seeking is seeking you."

    For a lot of years i was often over whelmed by what I thought of (in my unworthy way)
    as "My love for God."

    But still I was alone. Still I was without hope of reciprocity,

    One day when I was very angry with my wife, I was at the same time aware of how deeply I loved her.

    That night in a dream I was told that I had no love to give. What I had thought of as my love was the love God feels for each of us and all the worlds he is making every day.

    The burden of his love has deepened me as no other thing ever has.

    We don't create the love we feel, we receive it from the source, then we share it out with those "He" puts before us..
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
  9. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    My, that is a very personal question! I don't like my answer to it at all so I'll keep it to myself.
  10. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    people are funny that way. We we don't like something we seem to hold on tight! LOL
  11. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Pliss to misunderstanding the question of the last monthe's 29 number day. Not really, I'm playing dodge ball because the ball hurts too much.

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