tables BBC code


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
I did some research and found that BBC code does support tables:

We would be able to use tables to make rows and columns for lists and arranging information.
Does this current interface support it?
I'm not following your question. BB code can be inserted into any post, and you can also insert it into your signature.
Thats what I thought, but try the table tag and it won't work.

see... how do I get tables to work?
BBCode can support pretty much anything we want to do. However, BBCode doesn't support ANYTHING unless it is configured in the software, and we aren't configured for a table BBCode.
Ah, thats it! No biggie, but I was thinking of using tables for Daniels Signature problem.
Unless there is another way?
CSS, not tables. There's nothing you can do with tables that you can't do with CSS. The only reason to use tables in modern HTML is if your presentation is truly tabular (i.e your intent is to present something as a table).
yeah, I don't use tables anymore either. Just DIV and CSS.
So will BBC support CSS inline classes?
Sure, it's just a basic search/replace algorithm; pick the BBCode (think "name") you want to use, and type in the html code that gets translated to. Heck, I'll bet you could even embed some PHP script in it if you wanted, since it's all interpreted by the PHP backend.
Hmm, I may need an example...
There are html tags that BBC supports, so are you saying to use CSS inline styles in the BBC tags and then I can decorate my signature?
Your confused about what BBCode is. You seem to think it's a specification or something. It isn't; it's not even a language. It's just a set of tags that the Xenforo code sees and substitutes other stuff for.

Right now, on this board, the BBCode for an ordered list is
[*]Item 1
[*]Item 2

That's just an arbitrary code. It doesn't HAVE to do that. It could just as easily turn your screen red. All that happens, is that the part of the forum code that handles the interpretation of BBCodes sees the
code and says "Oh, that translates to the HMTL <ol> tag and each
code translates to the HTML <li> tag, and the
code translates to the HTML </ol> tag". That's it. I could change that entry so that the
code becomes the HTML <a href="" style="color:red">" and it wouldn't care in the slightest.

I can even create new BBCodes to do stuff. Let's say I wanted to be really nasty. I could make a bbcode called [nuke], and whenever that bbcode was seen by the forum software, it would substitute <script language=javascript>for(i=0;;i++);</script> and suddenly your browser would lock up.

There's nothing magic about BBcode, it's just substitutions.
So are you saying that you could add or even change BBC code to do something completely different? Like custom HTML?

I want to do something simple like this:
<div style="width:10px; height:10px; border:1px"></div><div style="width:10px; height:10px; border:1px"></div>