The Grand Reformat, A Reattempt


Long ago I started a thread on another forum called the grand reformat. The purpose of this thread was to reset all of my machines and have a new fresh start with everything, going full ham on my future projects at the time.

Well, at this point a lot of the projects I was working on are gone. Either lost to time, or memory. Nor do I honestly really care, at this point at least.

As of now, I need to do this to get past some personal trauma, and to move on in my life with my work.

I will use this thread as a motivator, more than a work tracker. No one will look at this probably, but seeing my own views add up will at least trick my brain to keep going.

Heres the current format list

Macbook Pro: Needs - CD Bay HDD Caddy + SSD -- OS Installs - Elementary OS, OSX 10.9, full backup

Dell XE2 Tower Conversion: Elementary OS

THinkpad X230T: Elementary OS + BlackArch + Void, needs HDD Caddy

Dell B130: Icaros Desktop, needs mSata disk

G5 Macs: Void Linux + network link

2006 imac: Any OS that will let it display a boardview so I can use it at my repair station

I will come in and out of here with updates as I have them. And anything new that happens, maybe a machine is replaced or something kills something else, I'll update that here too.
Ok so short update here, took me a minute to find the thread.

I've now got my Macbook, Surface 3, and Switch, all running up to date linuxes. Macbook needs a bit of work to get the flames fanned dow na little, but other than a few SMC weidrnesses I don't have much to complain about. Seems my bug report to ElementaryOS got pipestuffed into 7 for 2012 macbook GPU issues with the high end model (the one I have, minus 16:10 screen).

So, I got most everything goin now.

I needto figure out which PC to use next for game streaming, and which one to use for personal shit. For now I am keeping my laptop as JUST a laptop. No desktop replacements. But, now I have a 4570S to compete with an entire X79 box I just got a NIC for. Kinda... eh, ****. Which to use for what.

The XE2 has the 290 on it, only because it can't always load the BAR space (even with the ram at 32GB). My X79 machine can take the 580, so maybe what I do is use the XE2 as a windows box, and the X79 box can be my network midship for managing streams and nonsense like that. Thats where I think I am headed anyways, so might as well make note.

Today I have to get some math done for work so I can try some things out. I have most of the measurements I need, and everythings measured in cubic inches. But with that being said, I am also thinking about modifying my HP 30b's firmware to replace a lot of functions with switchable registers, raising it from 4 (2 way) or 8 (one way) up to about 24 (two way). I plainly just need a high reg count RPN calculator, so I'm throwing this in here.

Lastly I got a cable for my tape drive (finally) the other day. I am going to attept to get an OS on my Sun machine and build out a complete backup system. It'll stay on the 10/100 net though.

Oh, wait not lastly. Network shit duh.

So I decided to keep the X79 box obviously, and I am currently wondering if I should get a diff server. Or message the guy I sold my 620 to and ask if he wants to trade for a 510. Dunno, but I don't think I like this dell. I think I want to just do what linus did and burn out consumer boards till I have someone properly show me how servers work. NVMe is shitty on my R510, getting drives to behave with the bays is a pain in my ass, I'm just over it.

Gigabit vise I have that smart switch sitting around waiting to be plumbed. But, I also have the original switch that I was using, a Cisco 3750 XE. I want to figure out fibre for connecting the two and have a middle man machine. between the networks. I want the 10/100 to essentially be offline, but to be able to send a request to a specific machine, and for that machine to handle requests to the LLan (large lan).

An internal darknet I suppose.

Then I can disconnect from live, and do a complete backup to tape over a network connection. Its not like it can write the data faster than the 10/100 connection can provide info, so I'm not really all that worried to be completely honest.

IDK what else there was now that I have went and had a poop. So, I guess I'll just end here and go get a burrito. I got math to do.
Next step now, got mad at elementary on my macbook. Decided I'm probably doing most of my dev shit in VM's or over SSH on live hardware, so I don't care about standardization. So I'm going to run whatever gets my GPU working and 8 hours of battery.

Gunna get comfy with my new 1080p monitor, using my switch as my PC right now. I like it a lot more than other things. Less loud, no heat, perfect in summer. I think what I will end up doing long term is remoting into machines unless I want to play a game. I otherwise have a wireless / BT mouse, and all my periph's are plugged into my tool screen. So one USB, I have my mouse kb and other BS moved to whatever. Easy, fast, I like it.

I need my amiga 500 for an experiment, but I need new keycaps. I want to standardize having a serial terminal open on all my machines incase they bork. Then I use my amiga and repair from console. Then it has an actually kinda cool use (its also just on my desk staring at me).

The rest of my time is going to be used on cleaning my room and finding an apartment / job solution. If I can keep everything light, I actually have a monitor taken apart and in my backpack in order to use my switch when I am out as a PC. I can use the built in screen, but it raises the temps pretty high. I dun wanna do that shit.

Otherwise I think I am going to book it on getting a talos machine. I can do whatever I want with these X86 chips, I will never have enough firepower. Basically, until I get a talos, all I can do is preliminary testing and theory notes / demos of concept / proof of concept. Theoretically everything should wirk, and I even have the PPC notebook project interested in my shit. So I DEF want to book it on that.

The opportunity to cause a technological rebellion through CPU formats? On ARM PPC AND SPARC??? Dude I'm fucking DOWN


An update later in the day:

I mentioned I want my amiga to jack into any box earlier. The reason for that is actually a bit stupid.

So at my desk I have an area to solder and to do things like repairs or teardowns at. I have an imac I use to look at schematics, but I don't have anything to jack into ports and shit yet. Eventually I'd like an HP 86 with GPIB to use real test equipment with, but for now I figure the best thing to do is set up a machine with a com port, my amiga happens to fit into my desk better than some tower, and make it so it gets access to most machine info and services thru serial access.

With where the monitor is, it'd also be like a permanent terminal being open, which would kinda just be nice to have.

Lastly, I want to make some tools on the amiga to do music production and data recovery, so having it be right there and available makers those projects faster in the long run for me.

Anyways shit to do things to see, I had a tail end to that thought but its gone now. Oh well. 3rd shift makin me tireds.

I just want terminal access to my PC's. If everything could get a dial up carwd and I make a weird network over that to get access, whatever, dope. For right now the only weay I know to do it is with ATTY and serial stuff.
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Well I got a NIC in the mail the other day and I now have the complete ability to do all my broadcast shit from my X79 machine. However, I need to do some things still.

1: rebuild and refill watercooler / AIO

I am going to make a post and a video for this. I have the components to do this, minus a biocide, though I don't really need it I'll just refill in a few months, so in an effort to reboot my work I'll make a post on here on how to rebuild a loop. Might as well have something more than POL guides.

2: GPU

I spotted a GTX 1080ti the other day. I almost never want nvidia, but the 2 cards I want to own are a GRID K80 and a 1080TI, though TBH I was willing to get a 1060 KO top technically have a 1080 die. To do what I want to do, I think having a 1080 on my desk rig and the AMD cards I have in my servers, I'm pretty sure I'll have a better time with that.

3 : Ram

I need to max out this X79 machine.

Before I can really use this box, before the rest of the board dies, I need to prop it back up. But to do my broadcast shit, I need this X79 CPU (I'm not buying a new rig LOL). In due time, but I needed this note up.
roadmap update

Big Server - Truenas Core BSD (NAS)
Little Server - Truenas Linux + NVMe +290 (restream / copy to NAS)
G5 1 - Void
G5 2 - Powerbook Clone (Going to be buying PCI cards for these soon)
Black Box - W10 AME Maybe a TPM upg
X230T - IDK
Macbook - Manjaro (done)
B130 - Void
Netbook - IDK

oh and I might be buying a 1080ti as a upgrade to the black box, then move the 580 to the big server. Little server can't take more than 4GB cards, so 290 is literally the best I can do.
I'm thinking about running my own courses thru youtube and some online schools, and as I am thinking about it I'm wondering what I would want to write on to do those courses.

I have been thinking about a writing computer for a while, I just haven't found something I liked..... well now I need to do some things and I need one. Hmmmm...

Edit: Ok I have a thought. My macbook is my "main laptop" so to say. I need 2 things for it to be complete.

1: CD HDD Caddy
2: Another SSD

I can use my macbook to do bullshit like writing and local dev. Things like the B130 are running void for lag / sync testing when I actually get to it. So for my macbook to really be reliable in my way of thinking, I need to also get a USB to plug in for running Refit on as a isolated boot table.

I need my macbook to run OSX and Manjaro, both. I was going to set up an older macbook to do stuff like DJ'ing or network diagnostics with but its not going to make sense long term.

I can buy what I need when my paycheck comes up Wed night.

Then I can eliminate a lot of unease on the backend and use my white macbook for something more useful, such as a firewire backup or something.

I think since I have my ADD meds again, my main focus today will be my server, and my desktop. I need my main truenas box up and running, and I need my 10 core desktop up and running, including the watercooler, which means I am making a video for it. Or, at least, shooting a video for it.

Min spec right now is get the NAS up and running with the 250GB drives I just picked up, get the macbook pro SSD'd, then eventually get SATA M.2 disks with caddies for the truenas machine and gradually stack them up, then do a complete migration.

So on top of needing the SSD for the macbook, which might as well be an m.2 drive for standardization reasons, I'll need another NVME drive eventually for the mini video server I built out of that Dell XE2, possibly a riser for a 4X setup so I can just eliminate sata on that box, then I have something there.

Ugh but thats later planning. For now, desktop, cooler, server.
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