Uma Mint comes on line


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
Spent from Weds morning until Thursday morning trying to element a glaring flaw!

Simply put if I install the new fire fox which identifies as firefox+1 Uma Firefox goes to sh**. becomes semi-transparent so everything is garbled.

What took so long was having to use my back up drive to restore a half dozen times While trying to figure out which of the many many updates was screwing up Firefox.Big surprise, it was Firefox.!


If you don't install the new Firefox, everything else is mint solid.
And the existing Firefox works fine.

I would diffidently advice against installing the new firefox for Uma unless you have a good recent backup or you can figure out how to straighten Uma Firefox out.

Firefox presents so badly I could not see to work within Firefox to find a solution.

I had trouble accessing this new release or even seeing it.Update manager kept telling me that I had no internet connection.

What I had to do was change my repository download sites.After doing that a new "Update manager" is offered. Take it. after it installs Uma becomes possible! ":O}
Just keep tying them until you find one that works.

I "think" that many repositories may have yet to update, but that's just a guess.

BTW this was an update not a fresh install..
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Thanks Boo!
Firefox does continue to work fine, just don't update it to UMa.
And your right I had this problem occur in the last release.

after a few weeks Mint issued another firefox that worked
Is the problem related to frontend GUI elements?
Like changing the icons, button location, menus?
Is the problem related to frontend GUI elements?
Like changing the icons, button location, menus?
I took another run at updating today. This time I removed firfox before updating.
Still no go.

Everything seems just fine until I open Firefox. Firfox is unreadable due to transparency
at lest two different pages are trying to display.

I'll give Mint a few days and try something else..if I can think of something else to try.
Not biggie, system remains entirely stable.Thanks for taking a look at this for me Boo.
I keep forgetting that you crank up the font sizes in Mint.
There is a chance Firefox is having an issue with font scaling.
B-b-but..."UMA" Mint?? Isn't ONE Uma (Thurman) in this world enough?

Yeah, I know it's a dumb comment software wise but I never, ever claimed to be smart re: software.