Windows 10...

I have to use Windows for the studies, but thankfully I do not use my other laptop for any other purpose than the Windows only software I require.

One thing I find funny is how a lot of people don't seem to think this is a problem, but the same people would freak out if anyone went through their personal snail mail. And the way I see it, there really is no difference. I agree completely, anyone who support and endorse this information gathering deserve to drown in a pool of molten fire, or worse.
Its probably like the NSA stuff in America... we can't do anything about it, so we just deal with it.
Most people are ignorant, but then find out about something they don't like and realize there are a lot of politics and leaders in control of it. What can we do?
Most people fear technology, so its easier to just be ignorant.
I have to admit I'm ignorant of things too. There is just too much to know in technology and you can't know it all.
Windows 10 were the reason that 2 weeks ago I started my migration to linux mint (1st time ever using linux and I finished the migration about 2 days ago :D) and with your guide for lotro my windows 7 partition is finally useless :D. I believe windows are heading towards a wicked path for quite some time now and I don't want to follow.
Awesome! Glad you could use Linux to do all of your daily needs.

Yeah, I always have to "second guess" Microsoft when they do anything. Free Windows 10 just sounds too-good-to-be-true.
I know there will eventually be a "catch" down the line somewhere.
If I upgrade to Windows 10 it will only be on my Vista computer because its getting pretty old.
I actually had a decent install of windows ten on my main machine with it's i7 and NV GT330 and waodhfadsajdjhoaid.

I don't care for it. It's too clunky, I can't use KDenLive and all that I get is some stupid app store that doesn't work.

M$ is 12 years behind us :I more than 20 if you want to talk about the multiple desktop thing. I already shot down someones ego-peen about that.
Some of the disadvantage of Microsoft is that they eventually catch on to what everyone else is doing late in the game.
Then they blatantly copy them.

I can't believe Windows has not adapted the multiple desktops yet...
It is one of the most valuable features in Linux and OSX that I LOVE!

I know Microsoft is "locked in" with the business industry and Xbox for the gaming industry.
Most businesses that have Office, Adobe and Autodesk and proprietary products do not have a choice.
I suspect most of them are still holding on to Windows XP to save money.
Once the next "big thing" in consoles arrives Xbox could be out of the gaming market.
So the only thing they will be able to grasp is the business industry.
Even businesses are slowly adapting tables and chromebooks.

I don't think Microsoft will ever completely go away... but I wonder if they will ever really be innovative like Apple and the Linux communities?
Windows 10 were the reason that 2 weeks ago I started my migration to linux mint (1st time ever using linux and I finished the migration about 2 days ago :D) and with your guide for lotro my windows 7 partition is finally useless :D. I believe windows are heading towards a wicked path for quite some time now and I don't want to follow.

Glad to see another convert! I do admittedly still use a windows laptop, but only because I am required by online studies I am taking at the moment, but apart from that I only use Linux for all my needs.
Glad to have another convert. :D

I have dual boot on my desktop, but I almost never boot into Windows 7 unless there is a game I really want to play that won't run with Linux and play multi-player games with friends that does not run in Linux.