While we certainly have gained from Technological innovation when it comes to examining the past and to some degree while trying to see into what is to come.; I feel we need to make a distinction between fact, acquiring and knowing fact, and wisdom.
Wisdom puts us into the proper relationship to fact. If we know it's going to rain, wisdom, not fact, tells us to bring an umbrella. Fact can't tell us that. Fact can only say what is, it can't tell us what we should do about what it.
If wisdom is open to individual interpretation...Is it still wisdom?
The fact is that it is raining, this not open to interpretation, it's simply raining. This is not wisdom, it's simple observation of fact.
So there we sit in the rain. One might suggest we use the rain to wash our selves...but it's also freezing cold.
And we might grow ill. Another suggests we play in the mud, but if we do we end up freezing in the rain.
Another suggests we get inside and be warm. Clear sighted, but not wisdom, just common knowledge, a normal An immediate response to circumstance.,
Someone says we need to get to the river as the water will rise and we need to shore up our defenses. We can dry our selfs later and our labor will warm us though the day.
all responses are based on the fact that it is raining. But the wise response takes a hold of the facts
Then looks beyond the immediate to see consequence!
Seeing the consequence of each suggested course of action
and bringing oneself into alignment with the way the world is moving (It's raining)
in order to make best use of the time (the river is rising)
To see beyond the immediate moment (it's raining) to see what is going to arise out of that moment
(The river will rise) and to work within what we know (We need to shore up our river banks.)
This is wisdom. Because it is wisdom, it is uncommon, for it sees into what is to come and
and gives man a path to go forward even in the most difficult of circumstance.
Wisdom works from and has it's basis in fact. Wisdom must first know what the case is, before it can bless us with the knowledge of how best to relate to what is.
Wisdom lies in first knowing what really is the case, then devising a way to make the best use of "what is" to further human well being.
Not all interpretations are capable of this, only the wise see what is in terms of what was and what will be. Only the wise live in all three worlds (Past, present and future)
it is fortunate the unwise benefit from wisdom even it they don't possess it. The guy that wanted to play in the mud benefits as much as the wise from turning instead to work on the river banks.
I hope you don't perceive my view as being in disagreement with your own.
I wish only to complement, not disagree with you view. See it as an add on! ":O}
Wisdom would have been to shore up our banks before the rain....rain will always come.
In this immediate case, wisdom would dictate moving ourselves to higher ground for safety's sake to later clean up and shore up the banks in the event of future rains