X-wing & Tie Fighter, GOG


New Member
Hi, all.

I'm using wine 6.0 and POL 4.3.4

XvT actually runs fine for me, with no additional steps but I saw this guide, so I thought I'd follow some of the steps to run X-wing and TF. I'm having the same problem with XW and TF - my mouse pointer/cursor is invisible.

I don't know if this information helps but when it launches, it goes maximized but then kicks to desktop and I have to alt-tab back into the game. I even installed using just Wine through the terminal, no POL. Same result.

What I tried:
1. Use Software Cursor option on the launcher. Mouse cursor then shows up but keyboard stops working.
2. From the XvT guide, I: (a) ran as XP (b) Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows (c) installed MS corefonts, d3dx9, tahoma. After this my keyboard also stopped working. I'm pretty sure I can go back to just invisi-mouse if I reinstall but first I thought I'd check for any advice here.

Any thoughts are welcome.
I found that the Launcher executables have the problem with keyboard not working. I tried the Xwing95/Tie95 executables and they have only have the invisible mouse pointer/cursor issue but keyboard works fine.
Tested on another computer and same issue.
That is definitely an old guide. I hardly remember playing X-Wing vs Tie Fighter...
I noticed that it is a DOS game, so maybe you could use the installed game and try to run it with DOS Box?

I noticed on ProtonDB that a controller is required to start the game. Do you have a controller connected?
Thanks, booman.
Yep, joystick is connected - it doesn't let me launch otherwise. Even for X-wing, the GOG version insists on the joystick connection - I recall the original floppy disk game used to allow playing on mouse and only required Tie Fighter to have a joystick.
Just tried on dosbox - it tells me it can't run it from DOS.
You may have to copy/paste the game folder, as in the "base game" directory, to a location where DOSBox can see it. GOG has modified these games to run in Windows 7, 8 & 10 so they may have changed some of the file names so it is not following DOS 8 character limits and all lowercase.

Even the executable may be modified, but I'm not sure... I may have to download myself and see how to run it in DOSBox.
If you have to use keyboard & mouse there may be a community for XvT which can provide modifications or tips, but they may be for Windows only.

This person posted that they can't run it without joystick either, but also mentioned there are two versions of the game when you install it:
  • CD version
  • 1993 version
Maybe only one of those will work in DOSBox?
Thanks. I didn't think of the other installer. Your suggestion works. :)

For future readers:
1. Install CD version as a Windows program using POL, then copy the installed folder contents to the dosbox folder (I had used the same method for the other installer but dosbox tells me that game executable needs Windows).
2. Now, extract the CD version using this. The CD is the 'game.gog' file among all that you extracted (I just looked for the largest file). Mount it in dosbox and you're good to go.
Alternatively, you could just use that DOSBox guide to also install without using POL, so your step #1 would be replaced by that DOSBOX guide.

The joystick was detected right after the intro cinematic and dosbox had me calibrate it right away. Game works fine. Thanks again, booman.
Nice! Glad you got it to work. So now the keyboard and mouse are working?