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50. years ago he set me and sent me on my way

Discussion in 'Enlightenment Games' started by Daniel~, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    As it has been nearly 50 years since I was his student one would think These tears would stop...

    Being Dyslexic I could not attend to higher education. So I would sneak into his classes.

    After a while he asked me if I didn't think it a bit parasitic to attend classes without paying for them. He never beat around the bush when a student might be in error.

    I told him why I couldn't attend as I wished to in the normal way as I could not do math nor spell for beans.That I was working nights and paid my taxes. That I knew I wasn't going anywhere in academia That I needed to know the right way to live.
    and the I-Ching was all I was interested in anyway.

    He simply nodded and then welcomed me to attend his classes.

    A Man who lived the letter of the law put the law aside to help on my journey. In all the years since there has been but one face I have to answer to...His.

    I learned today from a search engine That my teacher passed away in 2013.

    But I also learned that his students are every where and feel as I do. They are organizing a memorial commemorating his life's work. I was among the lest of his students. Many gained far more from him than I. But but I was among those who needed him most!

    So here he is, the man himself
    Full Name: Allan W Anderson
    Date of Birth: July 18, 1922
    Date of Death: March 11, 2013
    Country of Birth: New Zealand
    Place of Birth: New Zealand
    Place of Death: San Diego California
    Memberships: Professor Emeritus San Diego State University
    Biography: Allan William Anderson, poet, author, Professor Emeritus, beloved teacher, scholar of the Oracular Tradition, born July 18, 1922, died peacefully at home in San Diego, March 11, 2013.

    All the world is a prayer, whether I pray or no And the prayer I might have prayed God heard and knew as tho ---Allan W. Anderson

    Well versed in Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Sanskrit, German, French and Chinese, Allan Anderson was a gifted religious linguist. Upon graduation with a double degree from Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, he was recruited by San Diego State University as an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department to teach Asian Studies.
    In 1967, Dr. Anderson was instrumental in founding the newly formed Religious Studies Department. He received an Excellence in Teaching Award from the State of California in 1970.
    During this time, he taught an eclectic series of classes with such titles as: The Oracular Tradition, Ways of Spiritual Transformation, The Masculine and Freedom, The Feminine and Destiny, and, Spirit and Structure. Dr. Anderson was conferred Professor Emeritus status in 1987.

    In 1978, he was asked to partner with the spiritual teacher J Krishnamurti in a series of 18 videotaped dialogues for PBS that brought forward the essence of Krishnamurti’s teachings.

    Two books resulted from this exchange, the transcript of the dialogues, A Wholly Different Way of Living and On Krishnamurti’s Teaching. His original research on the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching, produced two books: Self-Transformation and the Oracular and Reflections on the I Ching. His studies of Taoism led to his original poetic translation (yet to be published) of the Tao Te Ching. In 1994-1997, Dr. Anderson was asked to present a series of papers at the Second International Conference on the New Paradigms of Science at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico.

    His four papers, entitled Human Transformation Independent of Knowledge and Time, Inner Transformation and Bearing, Awareness, Consciousness and Bearing, and Primal Intuition and Bearing exemplify his fierce independent spirit, keen intellect and highlight him as an original thinker and profound teacher of self- inquiry.

    At the request of former students, Dr. Anderson taught a small, informal residential graduate seminar from 1993 until 2006. As well as his academic accomplishments, Dr. Anderson was at heart a true poet, his pen and mind happiest in verse. >From this fertile ground came the published collection

    Songs From the Mifflinger Sea and a little cove of Nonsense. The greater part of his poetry is being readied for publication. San Diego State University has established a special collection of Dr. Anderson’s work. His published works are available through his website:

    While he was undoubtedly a scholar. I have only ever thought of him as my Guru. While many of us from time to time:
    "Live by the faith of other men"
    It was by his faith that I found the courage to believe.that giving my life over to following an oracle wasn't a completely insane thing to do.

    And in the end that I-Ching was telling what I thought it was telling me.
    That was extremely important!
    As there will always be a cause to doubt when a man sets himself apart from his fellows. Not to mention the doubts a life in seclusion gives rise to.

    For decades I hid myself from the demon of external validation in my memories of his encouragement. As a marooned man clings to the memory of those once known to him.
    I talk to him to this day. The I-Ching fills in his side of the conversation.

    He told me once that each person should find and isolate within themselves a
    "Sacred memory from childhood"

    Now myself an old man I can say Dr. Anderson or the D.A. as we called him when he wasn't about The D.A. or the Great Man. became that much needed memory.

    Sorry about font colors, I cut and pasted and I can't get this section to go black...sigh
  2. ThunderRd

    ThunderRd Irreverent Query Chairman Staff Member

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    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  3. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Thank you all to hell! LOL

    Yes I would very much appreciate you doing this for me. This is obviously something I would like to get right.. If your could make sure of the following you would be doing me a real service. If you get the red in my post black I would be made happy by that as well! ":O}

    Please begin here:

    "As it has been nearly 50 years since I was his student one would think These tears would stop...

    Being Dyslexic I could not attend to higher education. So I would sneak into his classes.

    After a while he asked me if I didn't think it a bit parasitic to attend classes without paying for them. He never beat around the bush when a student might be in error.

    I told him why I couldn't attend as I wished to in the normal way as I could not do math nor spell for beans.That I was working nights and paid my taxes. That I knew I wasn't going anywhere in academia That I needed to know the right way to live.
    and the I-Ching was all I was interested in anyway.

    He simply nodded and then welcomed me to attend his classes.

    A Man who lived the letter of the law put the law aside to help on my journey. In all the years since there has been but one face I have to answer to...His.

    I learned today from a search engine That my teacher passed away in 2013.

    But I also learned that his students are every where and feel as I do. They are organizing a memorial commemorating his life's work. I was among the lest of his students. Many gained far more from him than I. But but I was among those who needed him most!

    While he was undoubtedly a scholar. I have only ever thought of him as my Guru. While many of us from time to time:

    "Live by the faith of other men"

    It was by his faith that I found the courage to believe.that giving my life over to following an oracle wasn't a completely insane thing to do.

    And in the end that I-Ching was telling me what I thought it was telling me.
    That was extremely important!
    As there will always be a cause to doubt when a man sets himself apart from his fellows. Not to mention the doubts a life in seclusion gives rise to.

    For decades I hid from the demon of external validation in my memories of his encouragement. As a marooned man clings to the memory of those once known to him.
    I talk to him to this day. The I-Ching fills in his side of the conversation.

    He told me once that each person should find and isolate within themselves a
    "Sacred memory from childhood"

    Now myself an old man I can say Dr. Anderson or the D.A. as we called him when he wasn't about The D.A. or the Great Man. became that much needed memory.

    Though all men live in ignorance before Mystery
    They need not live in darkness.
    Justice is foundation and Mercy Eternal.

    End here please.":O}
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  4. ThunderRd

    ThunderRd Irreverent Query Chairman Staff Member

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    OK Dan, I'll get on it tomorrow. It's my pleasure.
  5. ThunderRd

    ThunderRd Irreverent Query Chairman Staff Member

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    Dan, it's done, I think. You have a PM. Let me know what you think.
  6. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    I was going to tell you there's no rush, now I guess there really isn't as you already have it done Many thanks ThunderRd!

    I've only had two teachers in my life though many tried to reach me. I was to tied up in my dyslexic confusion.

    The First was Joseph (Joe) Demico. After high school at Grossmont Continuation 20 miles from my home Joe would give me a ride most of the way home. We would stop at his house.We would spend an hour or two working on his pet project He was creating a board game. I lost touch with him. But one J.Demico now runs Milton Bradly (monopoly) But the real reason I remember him is that he was among the first that didn't think I was a complete loss. He turned me on to reading. Then would talk with me about what I had read.
    He never lectured. He talked to me as if we were equals in our understanding, even when we both knew I was not

    Life is indeed strange!

    Now, with my primary teacher three years gone The line that keeps retuning to me as I remember him going about the business of teaching is this::

    "The Miracle is when two souls meet."
    Dr. Anderson surly left his mark on me.

    My best friend at the time eventually replaced Dr. Anderson as head of the Religious studies department. How odd...he must be just about ready to retire and I never got to see him tech.
  7. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    I made a few very slight changes and sent it off to Dr.Anderson historians. Many thanks! My finale draft:

    As I live in seclusion having little contact with my fellows, I only yesterday learned of the Great man's passing.
    I would like to offer my remembrance to add to your own. I would also like to offer my condolences to those who were closest to him and miss him the most.

    As it has been nearly 50 years since I was his student, one would think these tears would stop...

    Being dyslexic, I could not officially attend higher education. That said, I would sneak into his classes. After a while he asked me if I didn't think it a bit parasitic to attend classes without paying for them. He never beat around the bush when a student might be in error.

    I told him why I couldn't attend as I wished to, like other students did, as I could not do math nor could I spell for beans. I told him that I was working nights and paid my taxes. I assured him that I knew I wasn't going anywhere in academia; that I simply needed to know the right way to live - and that the I-Ching was all I was interested in anyway.

    He simply nodded and then welcomed me to attend his classes.

    A Man who lived the letter of the law put the law aside on that day to help me on my journey. In all the years since, there has been but one face I have to answer to...His.

    I learned today from a search engine that my teacher passed away in 2013.

    But I also learned that his students are everywhere and feel as I do. They are organizing a memorial commemorating his life's work. I was likely among the least of his students; many gained far more from him than I did, but I was surely among those who needed him most!

    While he was undoubtedly a scholar, I have only ever thought of him as my Guru.

    While many of us from time to time,

    "Live by the faith of other men,"

    it was by his faith that I found the courage to believe that giving my life over to following an oracle wasn't a completely insane thing to do.

    In the end he was able to assure me that the I-Ching was telling me what I thought it was telling me.

    That was extremely important, as there will always be a cause to doubt when a man sets himself apart from his fellows. Not to mention the doubts a life in seclusion gives rise to.

    For decades afterwards, I hid from the demon of external validation in my memories of his encouragement. As a marooned man clings to the memory of those once known to him, I talk to him to this day. Every day.

    The I-Ching fills in his side of the conversation. The I-Ching will always speak with his voice, the voice that still speaks to me..

    Dr. Anderson or the "D.A." as we called him when he wasn't about told me once that each person should find and isolate within themselves a "Sacred memory from childhood." Now, as an old man myself, I can say that the Great Man became, for me, that much needed memory.

    "Though all men live in ignorance before Mystery
    They need not live in darkness.
    Justice is foundation and Mercy Eternal"
  8. ThunderRd

    ThunderRd Irreverent Query Chairman Staff Member

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    Dan, did you send this to them as yet?
  9. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Afraid so. Sorry, I was more than a little upset and did not proceed as carefully as I should have.
  10. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

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    That usually happens when we are upset.

    I'm truly sorry that you had to learn of the passing of your teacher this way. It's worth remembering, however, that we all pass. That he touched your life in such a positive way is a legacy worth leaving (and being the recipient of).
  11. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    He showed where and more importantly how to dig. He was a man for all this world to see and be uplifted by the sight.

    He set my root in fertile soil and then took me to the well and showed me how to purify it's waters and turn them into the waters of life.

    It's been 45 years since I've had contact with my teacher. He was a scholar of the first order in much demand.

    I was a wanderer by vocation.

    When I first asked the Oracle what I was to do with my life, he was physically present, we sat in his office. I threw the coins and he helped me to understand my fate.

    "Whatever greatness may exhaust itself upon:
    this much is certain: it loses it's home.
    Hence there follows the hexagram of The Wanderer."

    "He who has few friends this the wanderer."

    I can remember my exact words when asked me What I thought.

    "Of all things the Wander! I have always wanted home and hearth!"

    We sat quietly for a few moments. Then he asked me if I had asked the oracle my Calling.
    Smiled at me and said perhaps we should do that to get a look at what motivates the wanderer.

    (Calling and vocation are two sides of the same coin. a calling to heal might find expression in becoming a doctor, Vet, or shaman.)

    I clearly remember thinking this is taking up so much of his time! You have to understand as his students we got to see the great man by appointment and in 15 minute blocks. The man seemed booked 2/47

    We were already past the 45 minute mark!

    I threw the coins. I received 10 conduct, "Treading" Worse the second and the fifth lines were in change.. So I was to tread and wander. without a known destination or companions

    In the second line we find:.

    "The Lonely sage".

    In the I-Ching three are three kinds of shock. Lighting, the shock of heaven, The shock of the Heart as in Grief
    and lastly the Shock of fate..."This can't really be my life!!"

    I think I've been trying to overcome the shock of fate all my life.
    "This isn't what I meant at all, this isn't it all all"

    I would have turned back a thousand times. But there was no way back and nothing I could rebel against. I quit a thousand times. But life persists.

    You see I was given nothing to do!!
    How do I pass the minutes with nothing to do!!??

    I made up endless questions to ask the Oracle just to pass the time. Controlling my emotions became a full time job! Restless and bored beyond belief and still the Oracle counseled waiting.

    Here's how I did it. I yielded to despair. I busied myself with insignificant things, I prayed for a pardon...silence!. I wept every day.

    I think I was 65 before I really grasped the idea that I wasn't supposed to do anything. A space had been made,

    the world had been brushed aside. In that place I was supposed to perfect myself. To bring peace to myself.

    To look for God seem a silly thing to do, I mean if he wanted me to find him!....

    But the heart wants what the heart wants and my will could not give up upon what had been ordained.

    So it's been 45 years since I've seen my teacher. I have flowered then died away a hundred times.
    By the time we parted that late afternoon he had given me more that two hours of his time
    and completely broke my heart.

    Now he is gone, but he left me in the hands of one of his teachers. Every leaf on this tree knows his name
    Every hexagram speaks his wisdom....even if it remains just out of reach.":O}

    'If I should meet thee
    after long years
    how should I greet thee
    with silence and tears."

    "The finale stirrings
    of the human heart
    can only be expressed
    by a string-less Zither"

    (The authors of these quotes are unknown to me.)

    Thank you for your condolences. It is good to have friends.

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