Age Of Wushu Guide

Everything you want from Anime in a single game! Age of Wushu is a massive online multiplayer RPG with loads of character development, massive environments and classic Kung Fu moves all in Ancient China. Spend hours building up skills, exploring or socializing with NCP's and PVP characters.



Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Age of Wushu in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

Note: This guide applies to the Snail Games version of Age of Wushu. Other versions may require additional steps.

Tips & Specs:

To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

int 17 64-bit
PlayOnLinux: 4.2.4
Wine: 1.5.19

Wine Installation

Click Tools
Select "Manage Wine Versions"

Look for the Wine Version: 1.5.19
Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging
Select it
Click the arrow pointing to the right


Click Next

Downloading Wine

Downloading Gecko


Wine 1.5.19 is installed and you can close this window

Age of Wushu Downloader

Go to:
Click Download

Download full game by clicking "Click here to download"
Or Download separate .cab files to a folder on your desktop

Save Ageofwushu_download.exe to your desktop

PlayOnLinux Setup

Launch PlayOnLinux
Click Install

Click "Install a non-listed program"

Click Next

Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
Click Next

Name your virtual drive: ageofwushu
Click Next

Select all three options:
  • Use another version of Wine
  • Configure Wine
  • Install some libraries

Click Next

Select Wine 1.5.19
Click Next

Select "32 bits windows installation"
Click Next

Wine Configuration

Applications Tab
Windows Version: Windows 7
Click Apply

Graphics Tab
Check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
Check "Emulate a virtual desktop"
Desktop Size: Set to match the resolution of your Linux desktop
Click OK

Installing Components (Libraries/Packages/DLL's)

Check the following:
  • POL_Install_corefonts
  • POL_Install_d3dx9
  • POL_Install_gdiplus
  • POL_Install_physx
  • POL_Install_registered_fonts
  • POL_Install_tahoma
  • POL_Install_wininet
  • POL_Install_xact
Click Next
Note: All libraries will automatically download and install

Installing Age Of Wushu

Click Browse

Navigate to your desktop
Select "AgeofWushu_download.exe"
Click Open

Click Next

Age of Wushu launcher will run
Click Start to begin downloading (10 GB)


Installing Age of Wushu

Click Next

Select "I accept the terms..."
Click Next

click Next

Click Install


Uncheck "Launch Now"
Click Finish

PlayOnLinux Shortcut

Select "fxlaunch.exe"
Click Next

Name your shortcut: Age Of Wushu
Click Next

PlayOnLinux Configure

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select "Age Of Wushu"
Click Configure

General Tab
Wine Version: 1.5.19

Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine.

Display Tab
Video Memory size: Select the amount of memory your video card/chip uses

Close Configure

Launching Age of Wushu

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select Age of Wushu
Click Run

Note: Click Debug to see console errors and bugs

Click Confirm

Select a server
Click Confirm


After selecting a server Age of Wushu will probably download an update

Click Settings
  • Uncheck Windowed Mode for fullscreen
  • Adjust Resolution
  • Adjust volumes

Click Play


Click Enter Game

Select Character


Press Esc in-game
Click Video Options

Use presets on the left
Adjust settings manually

Rule of Thumb:
High settings = More detail, lower frame rates
Low settings = Less detail, higher frame rates

The Video Options has a great Frame Counter.
As you increase the settings watch the frame rate.
Anything below 20 will stutter a lot.

I originally tested Age of Wushu with Wine 1.6.2 and newer version, but kept getting a pop-up error "Speed Up" and it was very annoying. Luckily I found Wine 1.5.19 runs perfectly!
Also, the game refuses to do high resolutions unless you set the virtual desktop first. So I set mine for 1680x1050 and it played fullscreen just fine. What a beautiful game! I was able to crank the depth of view really high on my GeForce 550 Ti and see mountains and buildings really far away.

Gameplay Video







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Oh really? What language are you installing?
I'll have to try the separate packages and installer. I don't mind this either, but what will happen is the game will still update after its installed.
So we are basically installing the base-game and then allowing it to patch up when we launch it.

I don't really know what language i am installing,it doesn't make me choose for it so i think it's english or,more probably,some asiatic language and that's the reason i can't see any character.
The downloadable files seem to be non-language specific. So I guess you can select a language later on.

I re-read your first post and had an idea...
Before you try to install that Windows library, make sure to set Windows version as Windows XP in Wine Configuration
I managed to get it installed, and it's patching, slightly less laggy every time the patcher restarts.
I broke my SteamOS ages ago and just now wiped over with Manjaro, this has made things much less of a headache.
The red ??? bit... I hit it once. I had an old installer sitting on an external (NTFS) drive, in 10 parts (+.exe), so I copied the whole thing into the virtual drive's C:, and ran it from there, it worked fine after that.
Once it's done patching I'll see if I hit the SGP problems too.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I've been running it in VirtualBox for a little while (Win7 to Win7). The character keeps getting bot flagged, and it's glitchy/laggy presumably due to incorrect settings/lack of drivers, but it works. So go figure.

EDIT2: Full list of errors I'm getting, just for comparison/study.
Firstly, PoL generates an "Error in main
Age of Wushu crashed." when I first launch the VM.

When I go to launch Wushu, the following chain occurs:
lua error
(nx_function)no function [file: @D:\SVN\NothAmerica\Version_OverSea_50716\01_Client\lua\main.lua, line: 15]

run error
(nx_function)no function [script: main, function: main, result: 2]

<loading screen briefly pops>

Failed to load drivers, please try to run them as administrator...

fatal error
SGP intialize failed
"NothAmerica" indeed, Snail.
I also got a couple other errors that I forgot to mention, while I was setting it up. The same failed package as Guro got, but I got about 4 total. I'm not sure how to check what's currently installed.
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Wow, sounds like you have "work-arounds" for your "work-arounds"
So are you able to play Age Of Wushu at all?
Looks like you are getting the same SGP error that I am getting. I have a feeling they updated the SGP anti-cheat and it broke Wine for us.
It might be a waiting game with Wine developers... but that is only if they know its broken
We would have to submit a bug report
So it appears to work in some environments but doesn't work in others...
Which almost makes me want to learn how to bypass it. I think it has been achieved already, and if Snail can't dole out bans based on bypassed SGP alone, then I don't see the problem with copying the cheaters just to be able to play...
Hmm, I wonder if these two are relevant... I'm curious about what msvcrt is doing, exactly.
fixme:msvcrt:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x29b6ebc) stub
err:winediag:IcmpCreateFile Failed to use ICMP (network ping), this requires special permissions.
Good question. I wonder if the developers updated to Visual C 2015 like everyone else? That could create some problems in Wine.
Yeah, you could probably hack your way around the security. I can't because I want my guides to be legitimate on all levels.
That's fair, and I'd prefer Snail to allow us to do it legitimately. But, well, Snail... I can only hope they accidentally make it possible.
I don't think Snail will do anything for Linux gaming since they only support Windows. Wine developers are more likely to do a fix.
Well, well, well.
I'm not sure what's changed (by which I mean "everything has"), but I've been playing a lot of Mechwarrior Online, having major framerate issues despite running wine-gaming-nine.
Turns out I hadn't enabled the gal9 features, so I'd done almost nothing. Flicked that on in wine config and magic happened.

Then I went "what the hell, why not test Wushu before I go to bed? The error is 'failed to load drivers', so maybe this gal9 thing will let it break through". Lo and behold, I now have wine Wushu! The VMs have a lot of weird bugs (like inputs not persisting, shadows turning into tall boxes, etc.), so hopefully this won't and I can get back into full swing.
Awesome! I've read really good things about the Gallium Nine Wine versions and driver related issues. Unfortunately I don't use AMD video cards, so I don't really deal with it.
Glad you got it working.

Thanks for confirming that Age of Wushu is still working in PlayOnLinux!
Oh, so gal9 is an AMD thing specifically? I didn't realise that, but okay. Neato. As you said: At least we know now that it can be done.
Yes, from what I've read. So guess you got lucky. ;)
Just make sure to use it with other games as well. I've read that it boost performance with AMD cards.
Also, apparently logging in with Facebook causes it to all explode. I got logged in (on Facebook) but the request failed, so I resubmitted (by closing the popup and then hitting the button again), and it crit out. Now it won't reach the login screen. Just freezes during loading. :D
I'll have to test this further.
EDIT: Nope, just hangs for ages. Facebook logged out again. Eh... I'll have to test this further, later.
I suppose it's time I gave an update on this. The game randomly CTD's, and I can't figure out why - but it seems to happen much faster when you have more clients open. With 3, the first one will die in ~10 minutes, the third in about 45. With only one it can persist for about an hour and a half.
I haven't tested having them in different drives, and thus running a wine server for each one.

Also, it doesn't exit cleanly, it leaves two pings running perpetually each time you open a client. These will hold the wineserver alive.

However, as of about a week ago, the game no longer works again; you can log in successfully, but once you pass character select (as soon as the spawn-in loading screen appears), the game begins popping up a "don't speed up!" message every 2 seconds, and freezes your character in place. It's impossible to even unlock bag password under those conditions, letalone do anything. Only really useful for checking daily attendance. I'm guessing Snail have improved their anti-cheat detection, and I have no idea how to convince it that wine isn't cheating.
Especially since their bot flag detection is something different entirely.

EDIT: Oh, and Facebook login does work fine. I don't know what changed to get that working, but it just started working a day or two after the above post. It still, on occasion, requires me to cancel it after logging into FB then retry. Presumably the app request times out or gets lost and then never resolves.
What are CTD's?
What do you mean by "clients open"?

I remember the anti-cheat creating an error "don't speed up" every 2 seconds a long time ago. I had the exact same problem. Did you try a newer version of Wine?