Interesting take on AMD vs Intel.
I read an article about the CEO of AMD and how he dragged the company down. Wish I had a link... not sure if its true or not, but Intel has always been the "big brother" in the CPU world until ARM processors came about. Specially when they contracted with Apple... that was HUGE!
Now that Apple is going to start developing their own ARM processors I bet Intel will start hurting a bit. Just a little bit because I know their technology is in everything.
I have avoided AMD video cards for years because I've always read the drivers in Linux are a mess, but recently Daerandin said the Open Source drivers are amazing!
Things are changing in the CPU world and I'm loving it!
Now if I had the money to build a new system...
As I 'm pretty sure I've built my last computer, I don't really have a dog in this fight
Top quality and price very seldom go together. When they do jump on it.
Unless Intel comes under very different management they are letting AMD have it's short term gains and will drop a bomb at a time of their own choosing that will have consumers clambering for the Intel latest.
They can rely upon their installed user base to carry them past any AMD advances until Intel
makes the next big jump.
But this has been our past, I know little to nothing about the future.":O}
Intel doesn't fix bugs when they don't really impact it's installed user base.
You have an Intel Chip, George, how have you suffered at Intel's hands.?
Me I don't cry until I'm hurt by these things.