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Franz Fury

Discussion in 'News' started by booman, Jul 12, 2021.

  • by booman, Jul 12, 2021 at 1:16 PM
  • booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Linux, Virginia
    Home page:
    Franz Fury is a fast driving action arcade game with one speed: FURY!
    In the wasteland your only choice for survival is your trusted car, but when Franz wakes up someone has taken all of his gear. In a drunken FURY he races across said wasteland looking for his weapons and nitro by taking down everything in his path. Nuff said...


    This game was made as a 48 hour game jam by Raffaele Picca
    He was gracious enough to provide a native Linux port and it runs great! No need for benchmarks here, just download this free game and enjoy!

    Mint 20.1 64-bit
    GeForce GTX 1060
    Nvidia 460

    franz-0.jpg franz-1.jpg franz-3.jpg franz-4.jpg franz-5.jpg franz-6.jpg


Discussion in 'News' started by booman, Jul 12, 2021.

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