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Hicks give us hope!

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by Daniel~, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I know there is supposed to be a Christian injunction against wishing anyone harm.
    But how many tears did we shed for Pontius Pilate?

    Who lined up to cry for Hitler, Besides Trump I mean.

    As a non Christian I give myself permission To rejoice in any and all misfortune that may befall Trump and any and all Republicans who back him.

    May his death be extraordinarily slow and painful. He has earned the very worst that Covid-19 has to give,

    So Trump has covid-19!

    Anyone one who has been praying for this I thank you for your prayers.
    Is it wrong to pray for harm to come to the Anti-Christ?

    Not while the Christ is still hanging upon the cross.
    Not while school teachers are being forced back into their deceased class rooms.

    Not while first responders drop like flies and the California fires burn.

    Not while children who came her for asylum are taken from their parents many of whom will never again be at home in this world..

    Those who think Trump good, are the handmaidens of his evil. and should die with him.

    This is not hate speech!

    How can any who claims to love America's minorities,
    Her women, her Hispanics and Afro-Americans, Her Jews and Catholics.Our indigenous peoples and any foreign born all who have suffered at the swinish hands of Americas first Presidential traitor.
    Claim to be sorry he is ill???

    Putin's puppet is sick of the plague he deliberately spread.. Kinda feels like justice does it not?

    Perhaps I do go over board a bit in wishing he dies the worse Covid death ever, prolonged and intensively unpleasant. But he has killed so many that I cannot but rejoice is his illness.

    I can only see Gods mercy in his inability to continue to betray and kill Americans

    Maybe if he had payed his taxes or hadn't molested or raped 27 women, I could find cause to seek God's forgiveness for him.... But to be honest I don't think so.

    His betrayal of our treaty allies should be enough to reserve his place in hell where he clearly belongs.To think other wise seems to me to reject the God of Love.

    What do others think? LOL
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
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  2. danrok

    danrok Administrator Staff Member

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    He's going to die sooner or later. The sooner the better.

    Hopefully they can make him pay all of his taxes and loans first, all those billions of dollars he owes.
  3. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

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    I recognize this is small and mean of me to say, as a self professed Christian it is something that is going to require me to spend some time contemplating on, but:

    It couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

    This dude is an agent of chaos, pure and simple. And I cry inside every time I hear my Republican brothers and sisters say they will vote for him again this November.

    I've gone out and gotten Biden signs to put in my front yard for the sole purpose of pissing off my neighbors. (BTW, more soul-searching is going to be required for that as well.)

    There are two rays of sunshine I find in all of this:
    Apparently Trumps performance in the debate Tuesday got some undecideds to make a choice, and it wasn't in his favor.
    Now that Trump has gotten Covid-19, SOME Republicans are starting to think that maybe the crap they've been swallowing really is pig manure.
  4. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    As already posted in this thread--it couldn't happen to more deserving person. I wish I obeyed the "schadenfreude is not good" rule better. I hope that this isn't part of a very devious plan to boost the monster's chance of re-election.
  5. danrok

    danrok Administrator Staff Member

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    Given his behaviour, wandering around and knowingly infecting others, he certainly deserves whatever bad luck comes his way.

    Anyone else would be prosecuted and jailed if they did what he does.
  6. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    But but but Daniel how can you say this is not hate speech?
    When souls such as Hitler Musiliene or Trumpy reach the point where
    NO ONE can believe
    "Hey they might turn this thing around.They might yet embraces truth and renew their love of humanity and her God,when all hope of reform is but the lie they bury their continuous and unrepentant evil in...

    At that point the only mercy for them that we can hope for is an immediate death before any more evil is done.

    Every day above ground only serves to further damn them.

    There is a point at which every man or woman must choose who and what they feel is worth dying for.

    When they can find nothing they would die for they enter the ranks of trumpy.

    utterly self serving servants of the damned.

    What to do when such people size power and inflict evil upon entire nations?
    my scriptures (The I-Ching) Hasthis to say:

    "Kill the leaders and spare the followers."

    It is in the very nature of followers to be misled. That is their greatest weakness.
    The masses are easily deceived. and misdirected.

    Creatures like trummppy will bleed the masses dry to attain Satan's Jeweled crown.
    To bask in false glory and proclaim themselves King.

    What is the best we can hope for for such a totally unrepentant soul?

    That they should die, start over on some lower plane of existence
    Where Gods love may yet find them and make a way for their return to humanity.

    Lower because that is what is just.
    Start over because God's love knows no bounds and understands that a man can lose his soul and require infinite love to redeem it.

    The longer such men live the less chance they have for redemption
    I side with others who have said that the Damned can leave hell when ever they wish..
    They need only renounce the evil that brought hell to them.

    My personal view is that men such as trummy are beyond redemption as they are beyond repentance.
    They will never confess their fault they will never regret the evil they have done.

    So die trummmy die! Your last chance amide the coals of hell awaits you.
    Your final choice awaits you.

    If you can find your way to repentance your God awaits you
    and in him all things are possible.

    If repentance is shown. I believe Heaven will welcome even the likes of you.

    But where there can no longer be repentance...

    There you shall be forgotten by heaven, embraced by hell and become an eternal sorrow of those
    who love God.

    You will be lost unto this world of loving redemption and feed upon your own spite forever..

    May God shelter us from the sight of your endless pain.
  7. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Just typical, in a most horrid way: Trump catches Covid-19.... and Eddie Van Halen dies at age 65.

    Eddie Van Halen RIP 1955-2020 Jump

  8. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Such a repeat offender should be in jail for the rest of his life. Justice? Been missing in action for fifty years. Imho.
  9. danrok

    danrok Administrator Staff Member

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    Well Hitler was also sick and propped up with drugs before his demise!
  10. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Both New York and New jersey have charges ready to file. They have already gained legal access to his company records( Trumppys life long partner in business has already confessed testified under a grand jury,

    N.Y att.general has all his tax records for the last 15 years. They are just waiting for him to step out of the white house for a smoke or something.":O}
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
  11. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Oh was he? poor thing...LOL
  12. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    They say hell is hottest when standing next to the devil.
    17 of trumps associates have Covid...with more sure to follow. The white house won't allow the CDC to trace and test. Most of the top DC generals are now self quarantining, their not stupid, trumpery is infecting everyone he comes into contact with. The SOB is actively shedding virus.

    At the rate this guy is killing republicans we may have to fill their seats with democrats.
    What choice do we have? ":O}

    "but dems wear those ridiculous masks."

    Yeah that IS why we can replace republicans with them.

    "But shouldn't we have a vote?"

    Not really. These days we vote with our faces.
    Just cover your face with a anti-covid mask

    And then stand 20 feet away from the nearest republican
    then watch them die.all brave and mask less.

    Yes you can try offering them a mask, but they have principles and are unlikely to accept a mask even on deaths door... Besides trummphy won't let them weasel out of dying for him.


    I here by found R anon.

    To oppose the mass slaughter of republicans by a republican wearing a Putin mask.

    ( That's a mask you only wear when your in the mood to fight covid or feel it might be your life that's endangered by your own reckless crimes.

    So let's all mask up and watch republicans drop dead.

    Is this tough love?...it kinda feels like tough love, maybe it's just wishy washy affection.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
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  13. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    One can only tell that justice is missing if justice tells us so. Justice is never missing so long as we know we are lacking in Justice.
  14. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Number of t-rummy infected is at 27 this morning. White house refuses to say how long the bald headed turd has been infected.Refusing to help trace and treat his victims.

    Mean ol Bill Bar is refusing to arrest Biden for imaginary crimes against truummmppyy
    If only we had a real government like Russia trummyy could get things done!

    But at lest he is continuing in his efforts to "RallY" America.

    He is trying very hard to kill everyone who might vote for him.

    A noble undertaking, at lest for a republican. I find it hard to understand why the nearest person to trumopgjdsfghyr hasn't shot him in the face. Maybe they did but the bullet chickened out.

    Would you want to be inside that face???
  15. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Every wrongly imprisoned poor soul will leap to agree with you. Sure, you are right however, your statement means little in the real world of bricks and bars.
  16. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Or it means everything in the real world of bricks and bars.

    A prison quote.:

    It's not the time you serve, it's how you serve your time."
  17. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    The white house has announced that it has 50,000 volunteers to serve as poll watchers.
    I expect that this will be where the violence begins in earnest.

    The republicans think we will be afraid to fight at the polls.

    Have they seen the determination of Black Lives Matter!??

    Have they not watched Seattle and Portland demonstrate their absolute resolve?

    We are Americans and we will live free or die. This much I know of us. We live free or die.
    Trymmutyprsd brags that he has all the tough people.,

    That fool has never really talked to an emigrant that's for sure!

    There are no more determined people on this planet.Those who welcome them
    are among our very finest. Those who fear them, pretty much fear everything.

    If half of the trummy supporters turn violent, that 20 % verses 80%
    I like those odds.

    If the South and mid west wish to rise again, I'm more than willing to help put them down for good.

    Who do these people think they are!? Telling my brothers and sisters there is no place for them in America!??

    If we have to we will give them YOUR place. So scoot over on the God Damn bench or risk getting knock off the bench..

    I believe we should try to save all that can be saved.
    But if you start shooting you cannot be save and we will replace you with properly educated Americans.
    Please be aware the most of us would be all to happy to have the Jews replace you.

    Ask anyone!

    Do you like Hitler or the Jews.?

    If you prefer Hitler your no longer anything that resembles American.
    Your no longer a part of our great family. You are in fact homeless and abandoned.
    as being to dumb to let live.

    I f you can see no further than the color of a persons skin, you are way way to blind to lead.
    If you think your god wants civil war, then yours is a war god,,, war Gods are just a bit out of fashion.

    I can not open your hearts, but I can help oppress your wickedness and I am pledged to do so...at all costs.
    So if you want a civil war remember Americans real Americans in unity will rise up to swallow you whole and then marry your daughters.":O}
  18. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

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    Why you don't love Massa Trump is a mystery to all Right-Thinking Americans. Even though my love for Massa Trump is all-encompassing I still find time to wonder why no large caliber fast moving slug hasn't caressed his loving face. Kidding! As I wrote, my love for Massa Trump is bottomless.

    The truth is because true evil is favored by this world. The good die in the millions while the bad flourish.
  19. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

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    I wonder if Daniel has ever set foot inside an American prison? I visited my brother inside a few of the prisons in California. I left crying every time. Probably a personal problem that I found very little justice in those places?
  20. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Well George you did kinda go to exactly the wrong place to find justice,,Yes":O}

    No Prison but jail twice, pot busts that we fortuitously a quickly passing matter, charges were dropped. Once because of a great home town cop who did want to ruin a 17 year olds life. And once due to a blessedly incompetent cop who did know not to put the "evidence" in his pocket before he bagged it,LOL

    I wish you could see the expression on and the Sargent s faces when he asked my arresting officcer to hand over the evidence and the poor guy reached into his own pocket. It was hilarious!!

    But the whole point of the saying was to convey the thought that time and place may matter but in al cases they must be overcome.

    "You may be rich
    you may be poor
    but when the Lord gets ready
    you gotta move.

    My guess is that the worlds prisons have produced as many enlighten souls as have the worlds monasteries..

    In my solitude I have found oppression to be the teacher I really listened to on the level of self change.Pain is a profound teacher, look how often nature says "No!" with pain. And every living creature knows this teacher well.

    Not a lot, but a few prisoners left prison long before the door was opened.
    Read "Racehorse" an Amazing account that makes one weep with joy over what a human being is capable of accomplishing in a completely depraved place that knew no mercy.. a Mississippi chain gang was his teacher and with it's help he freed first his spirit, then his mind and walked away from a life sentence,all as for told to him in a vision of God.
    I would add that spiritually speaking You need not leave your room to find god. You need no have a room to seek him out. in his time no bars can keep you from him.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
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