Humble Bundle Oct 2013


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
  • Wargame: European Escalation
  • The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
  • R.A.W Realms of the Ancient War
  • Game Of Thrones
  • Divinity II: Developers Cut
  • Confrontation
  • Cities XL Platinum
  • Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition

This weeks Humble Bundle
Guarantee I'll be testing some of these in PlayOnLinux in the coming months
Defintly interesting bundle !

I'll directly check on Wine appdb to see what is working or not on linux.

thanks for the link

edit : please could you test in priority Blood bowl, raw and divinity 2 ?

I' m particularly interested by these games. I'd like to know if I can buy the bundle or not.

thank you a lot !
Good point! I still run windows on a bunch of my machines, so if it doesn't run in Linux now, I can still play it....
I'm hoping at some point all games will run in Wine.
I just bought this bundle, and currently installing the only one native game.

For the other ones, do I have to install steam windows, or can I launch the windows games from linux steam ?

I downloaded R.A.W and Sherlock Holmes already.

Yes, you will have to use the Windows Steam in PlayOnLinux.
The major concern is what directx and vcrun will you need?

Here is a list of the standard libraries I install when I'm unsure:
  1. corefonts
  2. d3dx9
  3. d3dx10
  4. dxfullsetup
  5. registered fonts
  6. tahoma
  7. vcrun2005
  8. vcrun2008
  9. vcrun2010

    It really depends on the engine and what libraries it requires to run in Windows.
thanks, I'll take a look and come back here if I don't understand something. I already installed wargame ES, it seems to be a great game. It reminds me a bit Operation flashpoint, not the game style, but the realistic look and feel. And my nvidia gtx 650 ti is very well used too ;)
You got it running in PlayOnLinux?
Whats the next one you are going to try out?
No, wargame ES is linux native ;) I simply installed it on linux steam :)

Next games will be probably bloodbowl and the big RPG I don't remember the name.
Thats awesome!
I had no idea Wargame was Linux compatible.... cool

I bet the RPG you rare referring to is Game of Thrones... correct?
It looks awesome!
Not game of throne, the one I was thinking about is divinity 2 (I just checked). I readed some reviews, the game is really a premium RPG.

I'm also very interested by bloodbowl, as a wargamer/tabletop player. Especially for multiplayer online gaming.

Concerning wargame ES, yes it's native, it's another cool game to play solo and multiplayer, on linux. It's especially why I bought this bundle, to support native linux gaming.
Oh yeah, I've heard good and bad things about Divinity II
I never played it because it was always too expensive.
I'll look it up on WineHQ right now.

No way, Wargame has single player campaigns? Can it be cooperative too?
Looks like Divinity will also require the Windows Media Player 9 libraries: wmp9
There is a note that disabling GLSL can fix some texture artifacts.
Otherwise they say it installs and frame rates are good, but then it will crash.
Once you try it, let me know if you have those crash problems and I will need to see the debug output.
I just tried the game (wargame es), and was able to play solo in a beginner mission. I didn't go further for now, but for what I saw, I'm pretty sure there is a solo campaign and all.

Concerning Divinity, I hope it will work, but I especially took this bundle for bloodbowl (working perfectly according wine appdb) and Wargame ES (native). So any other game working will be pure bonuses.

In the worst case, I have my windows hard drive, but since I decided to play on linux only (if possible, only native too), I never launched it again. And surprisingly, I don't miss it at all, I've got plenty of gaming fun 100% native.
Amen to that brother!
As for me, I'll only use Windows for certain games that just don't have the performance or plainly don't work.

I can't wait to see if R.A.W, Game of Thrones and Confrontation work in Linux.
More guides to come of course!
Not a lot of success with Blood Bowl in Linux but they tested with older versions of Wine.
Also directx development has gotten much better with Wine.
So its still worth a chance.
I have all the same games from this bundle, so any game you get to run I can create a Guide for it.
Whoah, I swear that wasn't there 15 minutes ago!
Maybe they just approved the submission....anyways cool, guess you'll be playing in not time
So if I understand correctly, I install steam windows with playonlinux, then launch it, and install the games like I do natively on linux ?

Or do I have to make a special something somewhere ?
Pretty close. Just follow any of my Guides that have games with Steam.
All the steps are the same when it comes to installing Steam.
Then click install on your game and follow the instructions. Once its downloaded then you find if there is going to be problems.
Hopefully you installed the correct packages for the specific game.

For example, Magicka refuses to run without dotnet 3.0, dotnet 3.5, XNA31 and d3dx9. But its hard to know until you launch the first time and see the errors.
Thank you,

I'll try tommorow, I realize it's a bit late now (00h43 in france) to install BB. I played a bit with Wargame ES, it's really cool, but difficult. There is a solo campaign, with a uchronic story and all. Cool ;)