After one becomes an oldus phartus a myriad of maladies may befall you. I got lucky and needed hydrocele repair surgery on the penultimate day of 2020.
Simply put one of your testicles may swell to an enormous size. Being a Right Thinking American my right one attained a majesty of perhaps five times the normal size over about a year. It was Glorious!
Need I say this is an unfortunate state of affairs? How privileged I was to experience this flowering of late manhood! One SO looks forward to Mr Surgeon's sharp knife brandished in this part of one's humanity.
I'm greatly enjoying the denouement. They sent me home with a generous amount of painkillers, a whole five 5mg Oxycodone tablets. For a sliced scrotum and scary removal of material and refolding of Mr Testicle. Who do I sue?
Could have been far, far worse. Thank you all for your generosity in supplying the surgery for free! The VA is truly a blessing in one's declining years!
Simply put one of your testicles may swell to an enormous size. Being a Right Thinking American my right one attained a majesty of perhaps five times the normal size over about a year. It was Glorious!
Need I say this is an unfortunate state of affairs? How privileged I was to experience this flowering of late manhood! One SO looks forward to Mr Surgeon's sharp knife brandished in this part of one's humanity.
I'm greatly enjoying the denouement. They sent me home with a generous amount of painkillers, a whole five 5mg Oxycodone tablets. For a sliced scrotum and scary removal of material and refolding of Mr Testicle. Who do I sue?
Could have been far, far worse. Thank you all for your generosity in supplying the surgery for free! The VA is truly a blessing in one's declining years!