I Believed These Four Lies


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Another something I stumbled across. I posted it here because, well:

Do you seek the truth? I mean, REALLY seek it? Or do you just kindof skirt around the edges of what you THINK is the truth until it starts getting uncomfortable, and then stop?

Being honest is hard. Seeking the truth is HARD. Even moreso now that you've got the Internet, and it is so easy to find anything you want that comports with your view of the world. Do you believe the earth is round? There are lots of websites that you can find that will provide seemingly good data proving that. Do think it is flat? There are lots of websites that you can find that will provide seemingly good data proving that.

Point is, even when we are SURE we are right, we have to entertain the POSSIBILITY that we MIGHT BE WRONG. We have to be willing to challenge what we believe, and integrate new information as it becomes available.

kind of tricky is it not. Some if not most of the truly stupid things that have come out of my mouth were put in my head by people
I really liked.

Because I liked them I unconcernedly took in whatever they happened to put fourth/ The vast majority of which I had already ascertained to be valid truth. a small potion of which i would only later sometimes much later realize was pure garbage.

in several instances i learned from further discussion that the person who misinformed me had come by their misinformation from one they liked.

So I came to understand that the best thing other than love we can give a friend is to question always but never doubt.
friends can be wrong in what they think and say
But factual error is something we are all pron to
But those who have befriended me have always never the less been able to make their intentions felt and warm my heart

I've never had a friend that didn't sooner or later
have to call bullshit on something I said
I try to keep it at a minimum but...
"Man is prone to error
as the sparks fly upwards"

Good post Gizmo!!