Where do I find /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/X11/edid.bin I want to be sure I copy the right guy.s.
Do this as your normal user, no need for root permissions. (DON'T sudo these if they go wrong to ensure you can't accidentally delete anything):
cd ~
mkdir vidbackup
cd vidbackup
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/vidbackup/
cp /etc/X11/edid.bin ~/vidbackup/
cd ~
tar czf vidbackup.tar.gz vidbackup
Once done, you can upload the file to a message on here, or save it to a USB stick, or do whatever you normally do to keep your precious files safe.
In the first pic:
What is and should I use it FXAA and should I use override app?
FXAA = "Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing"
Short explanation is it makes the picture slightly blurry to hide jagged edges. If the app's not designed for it, it looks like the screen's dirty - leave this on "Use application settings" unless you enjoy myopia.
Anisotropic filtering is the other one on that page. Also leave it alone - it sharpens up textures to try to bring out surface details like wood grain, and so can make things look pixellated and hard edged.
In the second pic:
Should I force the pipelines?
If you watch a video through your computer and experience screen tearing, turn on Force Pipeline. If you still have tearing, turn on Force Full Pipeline. Turn both back off before playing games though, unless you like that treacle experience.
The third pic is all Greek to me. Please recommend settings.
Leave these alone - they're harmless.
Hows number one son doing...Is it customary to even inquire about number two? ":O}
If you've given them personal names, I'd love to hear them. Seriously hows family life treating you?
I did consider giving them serial numbers, but the registrar didn't seem amused. Anyway, both are doing well - schools seem to like them, they have enough friends that we're not worried about them turning into axe murderers, and not so many that we're worried about them turning into politicians. Son the second has a phenomenally competitive streak, and I fully expect him to surpass #1 in just about everything, but of course I'm not planning to tell him that. #1 apparently has inherited my complacent streak, so having to find ways to keep him motivated. Apparently motivation by cattle prod is unethical thesedays, though...
More seriously, just looking forward to seeing them all for real, rather than on a phone screen.
As to names... that's one for a PM sometime - they can choose when and how to put their names on the public internet, when they're old enough