Is it time to self quarantine"

Very well written, thank you for posting this. It seems to me that "sociopath" is just a nice way to say "psychopath." Dear God, we have permitted psychopaths to do as they please. What I hear from them is "die you little people, and die much faster, you are getting in the way of our party from the depths of hell."

We permit these monsters to breathe. But we can't answer them in kind, no no, that's just unfair. To the "masters of the universe" that tell us how to live... No they don't! They tell us to die for their amusement.

Sorry, this picture is bumming me the heck out.
Gotta love our affinity for wildfires. While it's far worse in California the nasty smoke that bedevils us north of The Golden State is impossible to ignore. Worst smog count I recall in Seattle is 37 micro-grams per cubic meter. Last I checked it was 157 micro-grams per cubic meter. This is hazardous. I'm wearing a KN95 mask indoors, it's that bad. We may get relief from a change in the Jet Stream soon. I sure hope so.

It's important to remember that climate change is a hoax!
All the way to Britain? Makes me proud to be an blah-blah. Sorry about this! Seattle's smog count according to's measurement is 157. Hold the phone, where my oldest friend lives in Northern California the reported smog from forest fires is, wait for it... 285.

Mongo really dislikes this measurement! Seriously, my apology to the Channel Islands.
See how America pushes its weight around?'s measurement is up to 222 here in Seattle, we are actually worse than San Francisco. By just a smidge.

Our Ambassador to Britain probably doesn't bother apologizing, so I will.
The rate of infection has doubled over the last few days in my home county. Not one of the more famous Home Counties, this is America.

Back to square one. Would drawing and quartering the architect of this massive disaster be better than he deserves? Why, yes. If the process can be spread out over a month it would fit the bill. A recording of the screams would sell like hotcakes.

Sorry, loving this vicious bahstage is beyond my present capability.
That's amazing. I grow up watching this.
I can't believe there's a post like this. I'll come often.
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Very well written, thank you for posting this. It seems to me that "psychopath." is just a nice way to say "sociopath" Dear God, we have permitted psychopaths to do as they please. What I hear from them is "die you little people, and die much faster, you are getting in the way of our party from the depths of hell."

We permit these monsters to breathe. But we can't answer them in kind, no no, that's just unfair. To the "masters of the universe" that tell us how to live... No they don't! They tell us to die for their amusement.

Sorry, this picture is bumming me the heck out.

A one who is locked into his or hers own pathology. Delusion replaces reality, "Voices" carry more weight with them than their own sense data. they can be very hard or even impossible to reach.

They are among this worlds most unhappy manic and depressed people, rarely a danger to any but themself, They deserve our utmost consideration and care.

A sociopath is a very different and most often a very dangerous animal.they harbor no sense of shared humanity.All the best serial killers have been sociopaths.

Two sisters go to a funeral, One sees a man she's attracted to.
The next day she kills her sister making it look like accident.


Interestingly sociopaths can unerringly answer this question.
She did it so there would e another funeral where she might see the man again.

Normal minds fail because we would never consider a course of action that would cost so much and yield so little. We see it this way because humans tend very strongly toward empathy. We feel each others loses.
We take joy in their gains.

there is only one person in a sociopaths world. All the rest are tools or just in the way.
Hanable lecture In Silence of the Lambs, Bites off a nurses face while connected to a heart monitor
he never left resting pulse.

No excitement, not a thrill kill. Just in his way. sociopaths are the most dangerous animals on earth.
they look just like us, they mimic and prey upon us.

In Wyatt Erup Wyatt asks Doc Holiday what was wrong with Ringo, a viscus killer.
Doc has a great answer.

" men like Ringo have hole inside them they can never fill no matter how many they kill.
They want revenge for having ever been born."

Hope thjis helps.":O}
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Very interesting. I previously thought that psychopaths were more dangerous than sociopaths. It's the other way around. Anyway, they supposedly make up one percent of the population. Awful lot of damage from that small minority.

I'm a manic-depressive. Bummer not to make the grade as the most damaging people of all. Whaa. NOT!
just try to imagine not being able to trust what your eyes see or what your ears hear and worse what your mind tells you. Theirs is a very lonely and solitary world filled with terrors that hound them.
There's a scoring system for evaluating psychopaths, some are less affected than others, only a few are violent serial killer types.
Manic depressives are cool.They may get really really mad at you when manic
but this will only depress them so they do no harm, just suffer to serve Gods purpose
for them as we all must if we are to see the light and having seen become the light we see.
The rate of infection has doubled over the last few days in my home county. Not one of the more famous Home Counties, this is America.

Back to square one. Would drawing and quartering the architect of this massive disaster be better than he deserves? Why, yes. If the process can be spread out over a month it would fit the bill. A recording of the screams would sell like hotcakes.

Sorry, loving this vicious bahstage is beyond my present capability.

we are now at one in fifteen infected in America, with hot spots going up to one in five..This in still mostly the thanksgiving surge.

the Christmas surge will take us over the top into pure hell territory. We ain't seen nothing yet.
Manic depressives are cool.They may get really really mad at you when manic
but this will only depress them so they do no harm, just suffer to serve Gods purpose
for them as we all must if we are to see the light and having seen become the light we see.

Perhaps so. I and every other person I've ever known with Bi-polar Affective Disorder would much prefer to have not been "blessed" with this mental illness. However, the suffering caused by Schizophrenia is worse.
we are now at one in fifteen infected in America, with hot spots going up to one in five..This in still mostly the thanksgiving surge.

the Christmas surge will take us over the top into pure hell territory. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Good Lord, why is Trump not already in prison for life? Monsters such as this will never punish themselves for their Crimes Against Humanity. Something is definitely rotten in the US.

I think he'd suffer a great deal in the Supermax in Florence Colorado. Bring him there! Aloha.
Perhaps so. I and every other person I've ever known with Bi-polar Affective Disorder would much prefer to have not been "blessed" with this mental illness. However, the suffering caused by Schizophrenia is worse.
All suffer the will of God.

There's a reason wise men have called his workings "the Lathe of heaven"
He turns us and carves us from the rough wood of our birth..