Merry Christmas Everyone


Irreverent Query Chairman
Staff member
It's already Christmas in Thailand so let me be the first to say have a great day, enjoy your time with your families, and relax.

All the best from the 4 Thunders - Lee, Anny, Daniel, and me.

Merry Christmas!
As I've had many occasions to remark of late, It truly is good to have friends I wish you all, all of the very best of this season.

T.R, I was going to send you a tray of ice cubes so you could feel the chill of the season.
If the Post office lady hadn't been so slow I think I would have made it.
So like,. run some tap water and think of Santa and your half way there!
Say that Daniel you've got he the guy I was named after...If your not sure could you go ask him for me?

George, you don't get a Christmas. We live in Seattle, We get Halloween and that's it! I got a piece of taffy with a black cat arching his back...wa'did you get?

I think you get a Christmas Chris...this year, next, maybe not so much. But your good with the whole "Cris/Christmas thing for this year at lest! But I wouldn't pass up a chance to suck up to Santa if I were calling your calendar! Please give everyone a big hug... Let's face it your just not that good with the little hugs.":O}

Booman, what can I say with your name you should live in Seattle. Just tell your kids you will make it up to them come Halloween! But as you live in Arizona I really don't see how you can....
Just don't give them Ice Skates. In my experience kids have zero tolerance for humor when it comes to Christmas.":O}
"Love them while you have them, Kids are all just so determined to grow up!

Danrok where the hell are ya boy!? See that light in the window? Careful! Don't get caught looking in!
But there's a light in it that burns just for you. We all wish you the very best and hope you will stop by and give us money real soon. Would it be crass to ask for U.S. currency?

Aedan...are you still a Christian? If not we will always have Halloween and Seattle together!
Give my best to your family. As they are your family...They will probably need it.":O}
(It's hard to be sincere with Christmas staring you in the face.":O}

To all our wonderful Scandinavian friends and families, Please don't shoot Rudolf! At lest until after the first of the year when America will be to drunk to care, Hell they're your Reindeer! Do as you like but just don't let the Easter bunny See you do it or it will be nothing but bitter chocolate come March.

And way down south in Argentina Loren and her Husband have planted the GOL flag!
We hope to see more of you in the coming ears.

It's good to have friends.":O}
Couldn't I just re-post my Christmas message, I mean nothings really changed...

Yeah yeah, Ok!
Have a great New year!

That wasn't as bad I thought it would be. I'm going to try it again!
Have a great New year!? ":O}
Merry Christmas everyone!
We actually got to play in snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Kids had a lot of fun!
Typical Missouri weather....8 degrees on the 19th, 60 on the 25th.
Snow in Arizona? Sure, at high elevations, but... Glad you had snow to play with, booman and clan!

Brr, eight degrees. Then sixty close behind. Kwazy weather to be sure, but I think that crazy weather will be the norm from now on. Thank you humanity! And that includes me.
Missouri weather has ALWAYS been crazy. We live in that unique part of the country where the westward air currents from the mountains collide with the Canadian air from the north and the updraft from the Gulf.

To the extent that human activity is impacting the climate, it has only served to make our weather MORE crazy, so the change is only in degrees, not in kind. We are fortunate in that regard. Other parts of the country (and world) are not.
There can be no doubt the climate is coming unglued. So in mankind's darkest hour we pick the dumbest most mean spirited fool we could find. And He appoints Exon-Mobile to rule the X-country because it's really starting to look to much like work for Donald to enjoy and way way beyond his comprehension. The man is just plain stupid. not to mention he's a complete degenerate.

" Just grab them by the pussy, I do it all the time!"

I think I would have preferred Nero's fiddle to an idiot who thinks tweets are meaningful exchanges.
If you can hunker down. I'm pretty damn sure it's going to get really ugly real soon.

I wish I didn't but I see revolution and blood ahead. Putin's puppet can be no better than Putin..
And men like Putin will eat his dumb ass alive. How stupid is he...he goes around telling people he's smart!
That he has "all the good words" That he alone can fix America.

So how stupid is America that they bought it? The painful truth? America is to stupid for nature to let live.
Democracy requires an educated population. We have ended education in America.
in favor of regurgitation.
You tell me how you get dumber that that?
What I'm looking at will require Divine intervention to resolve with out tremendous losses.

I'm still praying the man never takes office. But I know in my heart we brought this upon ourselves.
May God protect the innocent.
If you voted Trump I'm afraid that's not you!!

OH! To The Christian Right.. I can tell you flat out that by your own religion, In electing the Shit head you're violating every single tenant of your own faith...There a small mean Little part of me that is actually glad you don't believe me... Sorry God, we can talk later about this.

Imagine electing a Tax free Billionaire to help you rid the country of...Billionaires!!
Appoint Exon to protect the environment. Appoint bigots to monitor race relations!! This is your idea of reform?.My God your stupid!

I wish I had somewhere else to go!
Said more elegantly and less vituperatively than I could. Those alarm bells are shaking me up, it's almost as if only a horrific fantasy could be so upsetting. But lo, it has come to pass.

Perhaps the chickens that are so overdue have come home to roost. It bites that as always, the man in the street will suffer the most.
Sorry.I lose patience..I just lose patience.... I'll try harder.

And I didn't realize I was posting in our Christmas greetings post...Another I'm Sorry I'm Afraid!
Outta my Merry Christmas thread, you goons. This is supposed to be a happy thread. :)

Happy New Year!
A bit late from me, but Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all of you.

And yep, our climate is doing weird stuff. We suddenly got temperatures above freezing for weeks until almost all snow melted, then it started snowing again, then rain. I have myself witnessed a steady change over the past decades. We went from winters where we would have lots of snow in early november to our current state where we hardly have snow by new year.

It's been a while since I posted last, so let me give a little update along with my post. First semester went by surprisingly well. So now that I have proven to myself that I actually can study full time while working full time, I'll be giving it all I got the coming semesters.

So far I got results on three out of five exams for my first semester. Two A's and one B, so things are definitely looking good.

Hope you all have an great Christmas and that the new year will be full of whatever it is that you want it to be full of.
Keep at it Daerandin! I'm proud of you man; working full time and going to school full time is not easy, and pulling As and Bs on top of that is a real accomplishment!

Oh, and so I can keep ThunderRd happy, Merry Christmas! (again):p

Way to "begin as you mean to continue! Continue as you mean to finish!"

Yeah, sorry about what's happening to you and well all of us. I afraid you will have to pretty much count on having to deal with this thing without us!

We have decided that Reason is a trick of the mind the intelligent pull upon the unintelligent. Having at last seen though their ploy were going all the sear power of our ignorance and ill will we will be spending time trying to get the word out that Putin's Puppet is on line! And we are running out of time dealing with these good folks. like a ducks it's a new day every day for them.

If Trump acted with Putin in a treasonous manner The Putin can reveal that at any time and there goes Trump. Until it is revealed Trump will have to do as he is told.

oh...sorry, lot on my mind of late...Ah...Happy New year? ":O}