Mint users BEWARE!


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
It was bound to happen sooner or later!Mint update TOTALED my system!

Lucky it was a single update! I was something about the kernel, can't recall beyond that.
It downloaded the file as per usual and then started
installing the update. After a half hour I noticed it had froze. I left it to itself for three hours and it made no further progress.
So I tried to close update, couldn't, I tried to reboot, couldn't.

Mint posted a message to my screen to small to read. I hit the power button.
it wouldn't stay turned off, kept restarting. then blank screening me.

No boot screen! I've never even heard of of software removing the boot screen, could not reach BIOS!!!

Then the great spirit of computing failure spoke to me!

I powered off ( unplugged)and disconnected my hard drive, leaving only my
DVD with cloneZillia on it. CloneZilla came up, I hot connected my drive again and did a restore.

All is right with me once more.

Watch Mint update closely for the next week or to, don't install anything with the word kernel in it. I'm sure mint is hard at work on this now
I've used mint for around 7 years, never had an update screw me before,,,Never!! Not even a little. So tread carefully the world is in change! ":O}
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As I maintain my back up I'm giving this update another shot, Everything went well.":O}